How well do you know the career of Peter Falk?

From the Rat Pack to Columbo to the Muppets, he did it all.


All it takes is five minutes of Columbo to realize that Peter Falk is a pure delight. It is impossible to imagine anyone else as the frumpy detective.

Of course, Falk was far more than the raincoat-wearing, cigar-smoking lieutenant. Over his long career, the actor proved he could do gritty drama and broad comedy. 

Let's see how well you remember his legendary life and work.

  1. What is Columbo's favorite food that he often eats in the series?
  2. Falk played the grandfather in which cherished 1987 film?
  3. Falk lost an eye at the age of three. He wore a glass eye for the rest of his life. Which eye was Falk missing?
  4. In the 1940s, Falk wanted to serve his country. He ended up joining which branch?
  5. As kid, Falk fell in love with acting at camp. Ross Martin was one of his camp counselors. Martin would later star in which TV series?
  6. Falk sang the song "All for One and One for All" in which Rat Pack movie?
  7. Falk was the first actor in history to achieve which feat?
  8. Which Hollywood icon directed the first episode of Columbo, "Murder by the Book"?
  9. Falk portrayed Columbo on television for the final time in which year?
  10. Was Falk the first actor to portray Columbo?
  11. In 1978, Falk appeared on "The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast" in character as Columbo to roast which Hollywood icon?
  12. Falk landed his first starring TV role in 1965. He played the title character. What was the name of the show?
  13. Falk played the title character Gus in "The Gus Morgan Story," an episode of this Western.
  14. Falk played a Castro-like dictator named Ramos Clemente in "The Mirror," an episode of this TV series.
  15. In 1960, Falk earned an Oscar nomination for his work in which film?
  16. The following year, Falk again earned an Oscar nomination for 'Pocketful of Miracles,' the last film by this American legend, the man who directed 'It's a Wonderful Life.'
  17. A bronze statue of Columbo (with his dog) now stands in which European city?
  18. Falk appeared uncredited as "Tramp" in which Muppets movie?
  19. Falk won the Emmy for Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series how many times?
  20. Peter Falk's real wife appeared on Columbo more than any other actress. What was her name?

How well do you know the career of Peter Falk?

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Jan 55 months ago
If you've never seen the movie, "The Inlaws", with Peter Falk, and Alan Arkin, you should. It's hysterical.
susanlee 58 months ago
A lot of my answers were when I touched the screen to advance. I was looking for the Waltons quiz
RobinBWood 58 months ago
16 out of 20 not bad, but I thought I would have done better
Muleskinner 59 months ago
16/20. I did better than I thought I would. Not a big Columbo or Falk fan.
leebillyold 59 months ago
leebillyold 59 months ago
20/20 Peter Falk was good on Robin and the 7 Hoods movie, always good in his acting rolls, JUST ONE MORE THING, SIR OR MADAM. PLEASE.....
DeborahHolloway 59 months ago
If you've never seen him in Griffin and Phoenix, you should.
Runeshaper 59 months ago
You got 11 out of 20

Not too shabby LOL
RobertGHarding 59 months ago
My Favorite Peter Falk Character besides Colombo was Sam Diamond in Murder By Death. One of my favorite lines in the Movie, " I knew I was being invited to Dinner, but I didn't know I was going to me the Main Course".
jim RobertGHarding 59 months ago
the nurse is giving my palm the finger - the dirty old broad !
Well, I'm sure you knew he played the same character in The Cheap Detective, a parody of Bogie movies!
I agree. His character was hilarious.
DIGGER1 59 months ago
How well do you know the career of Peter Falk?
You got 20 out of 20
Enjoy a bowl of chili with your Bassett hound. You can walk the walk and Falk the Falk!
Jeremy 59 months ago
I only missed one question and it's a good thing I have a DVD set of Columbo.
TheDavBow3 59 months ago
11/20. Not so good. He was funny in "The Great Race" with Tony and Jack.
cperrynaples TheDavBow3 59 months ago
Curtis & Lemmon and don't forget Natalie Wood! Fun Fact: Vivian Vance is also in it!
TheDavBow3 cperrynaples 59 months ago
Wow! How could I forget Natalie! I do remember Viv! 😉😄
Big3Fan 59 months ago
10/20 All guesses. I loved Eddie Anderson and him as cabbies in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World." Never watched him in anything else. Speaking of Eddie, the Jack Benny Show would be a great addition to the lineup.
MrsPhilHarris Big3Fan 59 months ago
I so agree with your whole post!
Lantern Big3Fan 59 months ago
"The Jack Benny Program" does air on Antenna TV, if you receive that channel. However, it's currently on only at 11p Saturdays (PDT).
cperrynaples Lantern 59 months ago
That's 2 AM Eastern, and I record it every week!
MaryAnn 59 months ago
11/20, and every one was a guess except for #16.
teire 59 months ago
15/20, not as clued in as I thought I’d be.
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