How well do you remember the colors of classic TV?

Color us impressed if you pass this one!

Watched enough classic TV to be able to color code your favorite shows? That's the task we set to you today.

Scroll through the questions below and see how many classic TV colors left their mark on you! Don't overthink these shades, a green is a green, tan is tan, and pink is pink. Good luck!
  1. What color is Gilligan’s shirt on Gilligan's Island?
  2. What color is Barney Fife’s uniform on The Andy Griffith Show?
  3. What color is Captain Kirk’s shirt on Star Trek?
  4. What color is Little Joe Cartwright’s usual jacket on Bonanza?
  5. What color are Robin's boots on Batman?
  6. What color is the Brady’s station wagon on The Brady Bunch?
  7. What color is Cliff’s letter carrier uniform on Cheers?
  8. What color is Louie De Palma’s shirt usually on Taxi?
  9. What colors are the curtains on The Wild Wild West train?
  10. What color is Wonder Woman’s wetsuit?

How well do you remember the colors of classic TV?

Your Result...

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WILD 41 months ago
You got 6 out of 10
Did your cheeks redden when you missed some of those?
DerekBird 56 months ago
You got 8 out of 10
Blue skies smilin' at you! Nice work!
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got 7 out of 10
Blue skies smilin' at you! Nice work!

Definitely a few lucky guesses here LOL
david 74 months ago
I'm color blind, these quiz'es are not fare.
moparedtn david 56 months ago
Neither is spelling apparently....
DerekBird david 56 months ago
fair enough?
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