How well do you remember the Leave It to Beaver episode 'Bank Account'?

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The adventures of Theodor "Beaver" Cleaver were nothing but amusing. Fans didn't have a problem sitting through a half-hour of curious, one-of-a-kind moments.

With Beaver, being a kid was more than just going to school, doing homework and being too young for certain things. It was about finding his place in the world and finding fun in everything, even if it got him in trouble.

No matter the situation, you could Leave It to Beaver to bring excitement. How well do you remember the episode "Bank Account"?

Watch Leave It to Beaver on MeTV!

Weekdays at 8 & 8:30 AM, Sundays at 1 & 1:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. What was in the package Ward brought home?
  2. Where did Beaver hide his nickel?
  3. What did Ward suggest Wally and Beaver do with their money?
  4. Before heading to school, what did the boys find in the closet?
  5. What was Wally and Beaver's bright idea?
  6. After coming up with a plan, what did they do?
  7. When Ward found out they left school, what was his first thought?
  8. When they got to the sports store, what did they do to see if the jacket would fit their dad?
  9. How much was the jacket?
  10. What did they do when they didn't have enough money?
  11. What was Ward's response to the gift?

How well do you remember the Leave It to Beaver episode 'Bank Account'?

Your Result...

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robyni23 18 months ago
Here's the moment of truth. You got 11 out of 11
Whether you remembered what happened or not, we can always Leave It to Beaver for entertainment.
bsantaniello 18 months ago
10/11. I should have gotten them all. Leave it yo Beaver is my favorite show. Watch it twice a day. Can’t get enough!
Kenner 18 months ago
11/11. Such a nice episode. One of my favs.
KawiVulc 18 months ago
6/11. Not so bad for not remembering the episode at all... sounds like a good 'un though!
McAlisterBillie 18 months ago
Here's the moment of truth. You got 11 out of 11
Whether you remembered what happened or not, we can always Leave It to Beaver for entertainment.
Steve67 18 months ago
9/11 Haven't seen that episode in a while so not bad. Missed #'s 8 & 9
PulsarStargrave 18 months ago
My FAVORITE EPISODE from Season One! It always chokes me up at the end!
frenchman71 18 months ago
10/11. Got #3 wrong but I contest the answer. When Ward gave the boys the piggy bank everyone put money in, even Beaver, though he did it grudgingly. When it was bank day at school they never said who gave them that money, Unless they took it out of their piggy bank.
LoveMETV22 frenchman71 18 months ago
Well in the episode it showed June/Ward starting them out. June gave them a quarter,
Ward gave 50 ₵, Wally two dimes and Beaver a nickel. The next scene flashes forward probably a few months. On bank day as their leaving for school Wally tells Ward they have almost $32. Wally and Beaver saved the rest.
frenchman71 LoveMETV22 18 months ago
Yeah, but if that's so are they getting 2 stipends, one for the piggy bank and one for Bank Day at school? I guess Joe Moshier & Bob Connelly didn't want us to think that hard on the money issue.
LoveMETV22 frenchman71 18 months ago
You're right there. Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher didn't go that deeply on some details. Not to say they didn't go into detail on other episodes, (just not this one).
tootsieg 18 months ago
PulsarStargrave tootsieg 18 months ago
Same here, it might even have been the same two! I can never remember how much the jacket cost!
tootsieg PulsarStargrave 18 months ago
Could be. I did get the cost of the jacket wrong.
SusanTammy 18 months ago
10/11 One of my favorite episodes!
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