Is this a dance from the 1960s or did we make it up?

Are we grooving or just pulling one over on you?


It's time to head on down to the dancefloors of yesteryears and have a good time! We'll give you the dance's name, and it's your job to decide if it's an actual dance that originated in the 1960s, or if we just made it up to try and trick you!

  1. Disco Finger
  2. The Snapping Turtle
  3. The Funky Chicken
  4. The Hustle
  5. The Whisk
  6. Train Conductor
  7. The Bump
  8. The Bus Stop
  9. The Funk Staircase
  10. The Cascade

Is this a dance from the 1960s or did we make it up?

Your Result...

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texasluva 15 months ago
When I go for testing I have a Doctor/hospital portal. I have my blood and other tests to me in 1-2 days. All the readings. Then you can talk to your doctor about them. I have done the WEBMD many times on-line. Put all meds to make sure they are not dangerous together. He will get the best of care in hospital. I was there 3 times in 2 years. Praying for your dad.
LoveMETV22 15 months ago
The patient gateway with the health system my dads with is in real time I actually see the results before the providers or let me rephrase that I see the results first as mandated by the state.
LoveMETV22 15 months ago
I'm his caregiver so I've been back and forth with a few of his case managers and one of the doctors over the past few days. A bit stressful. He's strong for his age and I think he's charming the staff.
texasluva 15 months ago
12-08-2023 Movie Quiz for Quizzers plus movie selections and entertainment.
With 🎅Holiday🎅Movies🎅

See you @ Which of these actors has NOT played the Scrooge in a Christmas Carol adaptation? Starting 9 P.M. or stop by for Early Bird vids
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AllisonWunderland 15 months ago
Perfect! 😂 You have a great imagination to come up with all these quotes 👏
AllisonWunderland 15 months ago
Oooweee! You’re on a roll tonite 👏 Another good one…thank you so much for the entertainment with these two girls 😉
LoveMETV22 15 months ago
" Oooweee! You’re on a roll tonite 👏 Another good one…"
Lol ! I'm sure you're not having Mags and Mollie watch " Eyes Wide Shut" with Tom Cruise, but it was to good to pass up with the pic of the girls with their eyes shut.
AllisonWunderland 15 months ago
It sure was 😉
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MrsPhilHarris 15 months ago
Glad to hear you and your uncle are on the mend.
KJExpress 15 months ago
Thank you! I am feeling pretty good, but he seems to be taking a bit longer. I am keeping my eye on the situation. 👁
MrsPhilHarris 15 months ago
Yes his age would be a factor. Fingers crossed he is over it soon.
texasluva 15 months ago
12-08-2023 Movie Quiz for Quizzers plus movie selections and entertainment.
With 🎅Holiday🎅Movies🎅

See you @ Which of these actors has NOT played the Scrooge in a Christmas Carol adaptation? Starting 9 P.M. or stop by for Early Bird vids
Geronimo 15 months ago
Is this a dance from the 1960s or did we make it up?
You got 9 out of 10
You hustled hard and aced it!
gockionni 16 months ago
7/10 but they got the wrong decade for the disco dances, e.g. the hustle and the bump. Never heard of the disco finger - was that John Travolta’s move from Saturday Night Fever (‘70’s)? 60’s dances were more like the twist, the pony, the mashed potato and the madison. Hey, I may be old but my memory ain’t that bad, especially when it comes to dancing.
abuadamin gockionni 16 months ago
You’re 100% right
WallyYoureNotHelping 16 months ago
Baby, baby, when you do The Twist
Never, never do you get yourself kissed
'cause you're always dancin' far apart
The Watusi, girl, is-a really smart

Wah-a, wah, wah-a Watusi
C'mon and take a chance and get-a with this dance
RicardoShillyShally 16 months ago
Most of those dances were from the 70s, not the 60s. Where's the Twist?
Biggierat 16 months ago
The Hustle and The Bump were dance moves from the 70’s. I know because they were both popular during my teenage years.
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