Is this the title of a '90s sitcom or a platinum record from the '80s?
This one will be a real 'Thriller' for you and your 'Friends.'

At the time, the '90s seemed so radically different from the '80s. In hindsight, the two decades were not so different.
Don't believe us? It can be hard to spot the difference between a hit pop album and a TV sitcom.
Below, you will find the name of nine Nineties television shows and nine Eighties records that sold millions of copies. Try to tell them apart.
Caroline in the City
She's So Unusual
Tougher Than Leather
Veronica's Closet
Appetite for Destruction
…But Seriously
Grace Under Pressure
Homeboys in Outer Space
Brothers in Arms
Herman's Head
Aliens in the Family
Diary of a Madman
Madman of the People
American Dreamer
American Fool
Full Moon Fever
Bagdad Cafe
Baby Talk

Is this the title of a '90s sitcom or a platinum record from the '80s?
Your Result...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ipsum. Mauris viverra, urna et porta sagittis, lorem diam dapibus diam, et lacinia libero quam id risus.

Elvis - The Stare

Sun Record Co. - Logo

Jimi Hendrix - Woodstock

Yes - Yessongs

Elvis - Long Live the King

Elvis - Mugshot

Yes - Logo

Duran Duran - Pink Duran

Jimi Hendrix - Hazy

AC/DC - Jailbreak '74

Jimi Hendrix - Jimi Hendrix

CBGB - Skull

Duran Duran - Heart X

ZZ Top - Tortilla Flats

Billy Joel - The Piano Man

Journey - Winged Heart

The Rolling Stones - Mick

Guns N' Roses - AFD '87

15/18 - Got thrown by 6 (Phil Collins fan here), 7 and 14. G'nR was an easy one to figure out - and I hate G'nR.
14/18. Thought I'd Ace It & then there were ridiculous sit com titles NOBODY has EVER heard of. Including the suits @ Me TV. SMH.
14 out of 18 and this quiz brought back memories of some of those 90s sitcoms and how freaking bizarre (and often times down right bad) they were.