Leave It to Beaver Quiz - Episode 2: ''Captain Jack''
Do you remember this episode?

You loved the Daily Andy Griffith Quiz. You warped for the Daily Star Trek Quiz! Now, it's your turn to choose...
Should we do a Daily Leave It to Beaver Quiz?
It's totally up to you! If you want to see this become a daily thing, share this quiz! Make sure it gets some attention.
With that out of the way, we hope you enjoy these ten questions. If we're lucky, tomorrow, there might just be ten more

Watch Leave It to Beaver on MeTV!
Weekdays at 8 & 8:30 AM, Sundays at 1 & 1:30 PM
*available in most MeTV markets-
Who buys an animal, and how?
What kind of animal do they buy?
When the animal arrives, what's wrong with it?
Which state is the animal from?
How was the animal ordered?
What does the animal show up in?
Who is Captain Jack?
Who plays Captain Jack?
How big was the animal expected to be?
Who says... "Children and adults look at the world through different eyes."?

Leave It to Beaver Quiz - Episode 2: ''Captain Jack''
Your Result...
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9/10 I remembered this episode well until the last question.
I wouldn't mind taking "Leave it to Beaver" episode quizzes. I'll probably do well on some and not so well on others, just like the "The Andy Griffith Show" quote quizzes.
I wouldn't mind taking "Leave it to Beaver" episode quizzes. I'll probably do well on some and not so well on others, just like the "The Andy Griffith Show" quote quizzes.