Only a George Harrison superfan can pick the songs he wrote out of The Beatles discography

Giving some loud love for the quiet Beatle.


If George Harrison has zero fans, please call the police because I have been murdered. Even though he had a ridiculously successful solo career, this quiz is hoping to give a little love to the underappreciated songwriting style of George Harrison during his time in The Beatles. I'll give you a Beatles album and a few songs, and you tell me which of the songs was penned by George Harrison!

  1. One of these tracks on "With The Beatles" was written by George. Which one was it?
  2. One of these tracks on "Help!" was written by George. Which one was it?
  3. Please choose the other Harrison-penned track on the album "Help!" (and "Beatles VI")
  4. One of these tracks on "Rubber Soul" was written by George. Which one was it?
  5. Please choose the other Harrison-penned track on the album "Rubber Soul!"
  6. One of these tracks on "Revolver" was written by George. Which one was it?
  7. Please choose another Harrison-penned track on the album "Revolver"
  8. Just for kicks, choose another Harrison-penned track on the album "Revolver"
  9. One of these tracks on "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" was written by George. Which one was it?
  10. One of these tracks on "Magical Mystery Tour" was written by George. Which one was it?
  11. One of these tracks on the White Album was written by George. Which one was it?
  12. Please choose another Harrison-penned track on the White Album!
  13. Now choose another Harrison-penned track on the White Album.
  14. Just for kicks, choose another Harrison-penned track on the White Album.
  15. One of these tracks on "Yellow Submarine" was written by George. Which one was it?
  16. One of these two tracks on "Yellow Submarine" was written by George. Which one was it?
  17. One of these tracks on "Abbey Road" was written by George. Which one was it?
  18. Now choose another Harrison-penned track on the album "Abbey Road"
  19. One of these tracks on "Let It Be" was written by George. Which one was it?
  20. Now choose another Harrison-penned track on the album "Let It Be"

Only a George Harrison superfan can pick the songs he wrote out of The Beatles discography

Your Result...

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Take another quiz: Name these "School" movies
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Joe 11 months ago
[image= Shot 2024-03-14 at 3.28.59 AM.jpg]
ironman2000 17 months ago
11 of 20. The ones I missed,I I never figured G H., did them.
Dajj 17 months ago
11/20, sorry George! I do love his music!
Antenna2 17 months ago
Just 7, but I guessed on 4 and one was a two-answer question so I could only be half-wrong : ) I was just a bit too young to be a Beatles fan, besides, they did get kind of strange in the late 1960's and except for "Let it Be" their style just wasn't my can of corn...
itsGretchen 18 months ago
Re: Savory Truffle, Not long ago, I learned the box of candy is called, "Good News".

tvme 18 months ago
George was the quite Beatle but spoke truthfully. The song he wrote Not Guilty should have officially made it to the Beatles White Album. And-George’s All things Must Pass should have been on the Beatles Let it Be Lp, but he wasn’t given enough support for the song. I miss George!
LalaLucy 18 months ago
Only 6. Sigh. For shame. But, to be fair, where I like many of the Beatles songs, my favorite George moments come in The Traveling Wilburys. Plus, I was always more a Monkees girl.
Tim 18 months ago
20/20 Easy. Love George. Watched the great Scorsese documentary on George, "Living In The Material World" Friday night, but would have known these all anyway.
frenchman71 18 months ago
12/20. Started out bad but woke up towards the end. George was my favorite Beatle and one of Rock's best guitarist.
jd4862 18 months ago
5/20 So basically Harrison wrote songs that for the most part got no airplay on the radio.
JayBurd 18 months ago
You got 7 out of 20
See what happens when you don't buy the albums and read the credits?
Radio was much cheaper for a kid who made his dough mowing lawns
Beatlespud57 18 months ago
.. RINGO also co-wrote “What Goes On” with Lennon and McCartney.
Croft1 18 months ago
Ok Ringo Beatles Writer Quiz - Octopus's Garden and don't Pass Me By. That's it. Plus Co-writes Flying, Don't Pass Me By, Maggie Mae and Dig It and (technically) Free As A Bird. But also to give credit the Ringster did offer lines in a few Lennon/ McCartney songs (Eleanor Rigby being the most well known) not toention titles for a few such as A Hard Day's Night, Eight Days A Week etc.
Croft1 18 months ago
Ok. I'll settle for a Frankie Crisp smothered in Apple Scruffs.
tootsieg 18 months ago
20/20. George was my favorite Beatle. 🎸
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