Pick: Would you rather eat a snack from today or a snack from the past?

Take a bite out of this! Take your pick between discontinued snacks from the past or popular snacks from today.


There is no debating that when it comes to snackin', it doesn't matter the decade. It's going to be delicious. Each decade, from the '60s to the '90s and beyond, has produced some sweet, salty and delicious snacks.

But that's what makes this quiz so hard. We are asking you to choose between discontinued but once-popular snacks from the past and some of the best snacks of today.

We all have our go-to snack foods, and your favorite may be on the list. Try not to get too salty when you see others' choices. Grab a snack and have fun!

  1. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: Nutella.com
  2. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: hostesscakes.com
  3. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: generalmills.com (left) combos.com (right)
  4. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: cheezit.com
  5. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: starkist.com
  6. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: snickers.com
  7. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: generalmills.com
  8. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: poptarts.com
  9. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: pepsi.com
  10. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: nestleusa.com
  11. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: fruitbythefoot.com
  12. Snack food showdown: Which snack are you choosing?
    Image credit: fritos.com

Pick: Would you rather eat a snack from today or a snack from the past?

Your Result...

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Fred_Clampett 9 months ago
58% similar. I do miss Cheese Tidbits. I never ate Koogle, but I chose it because I can't decide whether or not I like Nutella. It's one of those weird foods for me. And I'm glad that Planter's gave up that line. None of them were very good IMO. I've eaten them, but they were probably cheap so it's what my mother bought.
babyboomer56 12 months ago
Wish they would bring PizzaSpins back. They were so good. There are no pizza flavored snacks. I've looked and I just can't find any.
tbrian 12 months ago
You got 83% similar

Totally forgot about Tidbits. They were good.
prodriver433 23 months ago
On the one with Marathon vs. Snickers that looks like the coupon that came in the Sunday paper comics for a free Marathon bar. I had 2 paper routes at the time and took a bunch of coupons, probably 50. I never ate another Marathon after that.
TwilightZonemark 23 months ago
This proves one thing, snacks have gotten tastier and more creative although I'm not sure there any healthier
JohnAustin79 23 months ago
I got 66% similar to everybody else's answers. I chose Smurf-Berry Crunch over Trix because I remember loving that cereal as a kid back in the '80s ❤️. And I chose the original Yoo Hoo over Nesquick because I remember Yoo Hoo back in the '80s and it was delicious 😋! Not like the Yoo Hoo of today.

Nesquick doesn't even taste the same anymore. Back in the '80s, Nesquick used to come in tin cans and it had much better flavor to it compared to today's Nesquick that comes in plastic containers and just doesn't taste the same. The other one that I chose that was different from the popular vote was String Things. They were pretty good when I was a kid 🙂.

And the last one that that I chose that was different from the popular choice was the peanut 🥜 butter spreads. I chose Koogle over Nutella. I've tried Nutella and it doesn't taste good at all. I never had Koogle but it's gotta be better than Nutella and that's why I picked it.

This was a pretty fun poll, MeTV 🙂👍!
Coldnorth JohnAustin79 23 months ago
I agree with you on Nutella. Terrible taste and too thick
slister 23 months ago
I do not drink Pepsi I Just had to choose one I drink ice tea
Coldnorth slister 23 months ago
I love unsweetened iced tea. Southerners seem to like sweet iced tea. Whenever we go south in the winter, if order unsweetened iced tea the waitress says I bet your from a northern state. Well that and my accent I suppose. Lol
Glornt Coldnorth 19 months ago
I'm completely Southern and don't like my tea sweetened.
Moverfan 23 months ago
75%. Never heard of Banana Flips (and wouldn't eat them, anyway--love bananas themselves, can't stand anything banana-flavored). Love both cherry Pepsi and Crystal Pepsi--liked Pepsi Berry, too--and I grew up on Nestle chocolate milk. The closest I ever got to Yoo Hoo was trying it once (only once) in the late 70s/early 80s and a vague memory of my dad saying he used to deliver it...I think.
KJExpress Moverfan 23 months ago
I also grew up with Nestlé chocolate milk. I tried YooHoo a few years ago and it tasted like a very watered-down version of chocolate milk. Wasn't crazy about it.
Giggity 23 months ago
Can't find Tid-Bits anywhere.... Now wondering where the TID came from..
jd4862 23 months ago
50% Half of the stuff I've never heard of, and I don't consider breakfast cereal as snack food no matter how much sugar it has in it.
Coldnorth jd4862 23 months ago
I love dry sugar pops for a snack anytime. Right out of the box, no milk
Moverfan Coldnorth 22 months ago
Any kind of cereal straight out of the box! It's much better when there's no chance of it getting soggy.
Gossemer 23 months ago
Meh 50%. Honestly the corn chips were so similar it didnt matter which you ate, I picked Fritos because that was always the gold standard for corn chips. LOL the Fritos jingle was better too. " munch a bunch of fritos".
Moverfan Gossemer 23 months ago
I don't remember Planters corn chips at all--I may have eaten them, I just don't remember. Now Planters cheese balls...those I remember...went through cans of them (yum yum yum)!
Gossemer Moverfan 23 months ago
Ah ya definitely. Think I've seen them still. But haven't tried them. Wonder if they are still good?
Moverfan Gossemer 23 months ago
I haven't seen them in years, so my only advice would be to check the expiration date on the can. (And I'd they are still making them, tell us where we can buy them--I loved those things!(
Peter_Falk_Fan Moverfan 22 months ago
Planters brought them back a couple of years ago. Google "Planters Cheez Balls". About half of the reviewers say they were disappointed. They say that something has changed (either taste or texture). The $2 ones on the Big Lots website were 'out of stock'. I would like to try them again and see for myself.
Gossemer Peter_Falk_Fan 22 months ago
Lol, that figures, they always have to mess with success. Ah well, like they say " ya cant go back".
Gossemer Peter_Falk_Fan 22 months ago
Figures. Almost got excited to try em again. You'd think a company like planters would be quality consistent
JAJLLW1024 23 months ago
I miss the banana flip and the butternut
JLUTZ5791 23 months ago
remind me of the things I Screw up On good memories
Marty53 23 months ago
I had a banana flip about 3 years ago on a trip out west. Can't remember what town we were in when I saw them in a mini mart.
Tresix 23 months ago
50% similar. The only one I wouldn’t really want to choose were the #11 ones.
mikemapes 23 months ago
Toastettes always tasted like a mouth full of Crisco.
RedSamRackham 23 months ago
* I was out on a public street when a local cop approached me to verify that I wasn't drinking from an open can of beer. At that time I was drinking Yoo Hoo
Coldnorth RedSamRackham 23 months ago
What’s yoo hoo
Moverfan Coldnorth 22 months ago
Chocolate water, pretty much...
Coldnorth Moverfan 22 months ago
Thanks, never heard of them
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