Quiz: Do you know your TV robots?

The first episode of Lost in Space aired more than 50 years ago, and the Robot still looks great. He hasn't aged a day.

He was not the first robot actor. The first fictional robot rolled off the assembly line in 1921, in Karel Čapek's stage drama R.U.R. A few years later, the golden Maria appeared in Metropolis. Since then, androids, cyborgs and robots have been a constant part of pop culture, from C-3PO to HitchBOT. Robby the Robot was a Hollywood regular, initially appearing in Forbidden Planet and popping up in The Twilight ZoneThe Addams FamilyColumboMork & Mindy and more. 

Television robots have been big and small, boxy and humanoid. How well do you remember them, TV lovers?

Quiz: Do you know your TV robots?

Your Result...

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gummby3 37 months ago
11/11. I admit that I was going back and forth on the last one.
JerryWithers 37 months ago
How could you leave out Marvin the Paranoid Android from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"?? :o :D
DerekBird 38 months ago
You got 8 out of 11.
You are a true friend to robots. You know the important robots, enough to get into all the cool robot clubs. Alas, the VIP robot lounge remains off limits. Keep studying!
TonyClifton 38 months ago
Twiki's head is shaped like a...like a....teee heee heee...
Dario 40 months ago
A PERFECT 11!!!!! 👌👌👌👌👌 👍👍👍👍👍 😀😀😀😀😀
DerekBird 40 months ago
You got 9 out of 11.
You really know what buttons to push. You possibly have a computer chip in your head. And that's a good thing!
Snickers 41 months ago
10/11 Never watched Saved by the Bell.
DerekBird Snickers 40 months ago
Me neither. I have too much taste to watch that crap(I'm being nice using that word).
Runeshaper 66 months ago
You got 6 out of 11.
You are a true friend to robots. You know the important robots, enough to get into all the cool robot clubs. Alas, the VIP robot lounge remains off limits. Keep studying!

Yikes! That was tough!
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