Quiz: Which classic TV car should you drive?

No action hero is complete without an awesome automobile. From the Mod Squad's Challenger to Magnum's red Ferrari, cool cars have been a staple of cop shows. Heck, in the '80s, the cars were often a main character.
Not up for high speed car chases? There have been sweet vehicles for pleasant cruises down the highway, too. Just about every car in the 1950s and 1960s was a beauty (especially Green Hornet's Black Beauty).
Pick a factory color from the 1959 Plymouth catalog.
What classic auto feature do you miss the most?
What is most important to you in a car?
Your dream drive involves…
Pick a cool American city.
Let's say you're driving through St. Louis. Pick a radio station.
Pick a Little Tree air freshener scent to hang on the rear-view mirror.
Which country designs the prettiest cars?
How many passengers do you have?
Hey, where are you going?

Quiz: Which classic TV car should you drive?
Your Result...
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Batman - I Got Jokes

Batman - Meeyow!

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I get to drive the Sunbeam Tiger from Get Smart..rather have The Monkee Mobile but it’s kinda close.