Tell us which of these classic television shows deserves a reboot and we'll tell you which decade you should have grown up in

What decade do you actually belong in?

 CBS Television Distribution

Living in the present day is all well and good, but it seems like too many people have nostalgia over decades that they weren't even alive during. In this quiz, we'll tell you which decade you actually should have been raised in, and all you have to do is choose between two television shows. One of those series deserves a reboot, and you can only choose one! You can also choose to get rid of either reboot altogether!

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  1. Which show deserves a reboot?
  2. Which show deserves a reboot?
  3. Which show deserves a reboot?
  4. Which show deserves a reboot?
  5. Which show deserves a reboot?
  6. Which show deserves a reboot?
  7. Which show deserves a reboot?
  8. Which show deserves a reboot?
  9. Which show deserves a reboot?
  10. Which show deserves a reboot?

Tell us which of these classic television shows deserves a reboot and we'll tell you which decade you should have grown up in

Your Result...

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watchtv63 6 months ago
Hawaiian Eye, 77 Sunset Strip, just to name a few...
JackBo79 6 months ago
Can you please bring back My Three Sons? We love that show and would love to watch it from beginning to end. Same with All in the Family. I would love it if you started at the first season and played it through to the last episode of the last season. Please?!?
JERRY6 10 months ago
no m,attervt he answers i get the 60's
Lms49 11 months ago
I should have and did grow up in the 60's and 70's ❤️❤️❤️
schildkraut16 11 months ago
Thanks for bringing me back to an innocent age.
You diligent staff has captured everything I was longing for, GOD BLESS
vikes931 11 months ago
Not sure how you're going to reboot the Dick Van Dyke show, Andy Griffith show or the Mary Tyler Moore show.
billg9016 11 months ago
FYI folks, I found the "Buzzer" Channel flipping around one very early morning and found they run 3 old original game shows, "I've Got A Secret" "What's My Line" and "To Tell the Truth" with the original commercials! Early 1960's! OMG they're wonderful memories! Tom Poston, Kitty Carlisle, Dorothy Kilgallen, Bennet Cerf...remember? Only problem they're on at 4-5:30am!
Beatseeker 11 months ago
haven't grown up yet... hey, i'm only 73!
George58 11 months ago
It stated I grew up in the 90's. NO WAY! I grew up in the 60's & 70's & I'm proud to say I'm a 70's guy. There's no way in hell would I give up the music in the 70's for the 90's. NO WAY!!
JackBo79 George58 6 months ago
Same thing here! My jaw dropped. Pfft the 90s... Ha!
mimi2 11 months ago
This is wrong. I grew up in the 60's 70's
BradBeall 11 months ago
This says that I should've grown up in the 60's... and I did. Born in '61, so technically I grew up in both the 60's & early-mid 70's. However, I've seen enough "reboots' to know that they seldom, if ever do justice to the originals. Trying to raise the dead is never a good thing... except maybe for Svengoolie!
DanDolgin 11 months ago
The only exception in favor of reboots is Star Trek. I have enjoyed all the Star Trek series from the original to the Next Generation, all the other Star Trek series, and the movies as well. There is even more Star Trek reboots on Paramount Plus, but I haven't watched most as I don't subscribe yet.
DanDolgin 11 months ago
I prefer spinoffs rather than reboots. You get to see your favorite characters as the same, but on a new and different show than the original.
DanDolgin 11 months ago
This quiz shows I grew up in the '90's, but I actually grew up in the '60's and went to high school and college in the '70's. My viewing habits changed to include shows from the '80's and '90's, as most of the '60's and '70's shows I watch on METV are just repeated too much. Do we really need 2 hours of MASH 5 days a week? I wanted to see shows I never watched before. Most are on METV affiliates METV+ and Catchy Comedy.
JackBo79 DanDolgin 6 months ago
Exactly! I wish they would show some different shows as well. I'm still upset they stopped showing My Three Sons. And they show MASH and Hogan's Heroes every single day. I would love it if they brought some Ray Bradbury Theater into the mix.
Butterflylady 11 months ago
Please bring back Gomer Pyle .Also love Mama's family & All in the family.
FlaFeral 11 months ago
Grown up in the 90's? These shows were all but bar talk forgotten i. That era! Wtf? Who wrote this quiz anyway? ...I want my 2 min back! Ty!
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