Try to name these '70s and '80s pop stars from their eyes alone

"Eyes without a face…"


Some musicians are so iconic, you need only a part of their face to know their name.

At least, that's the theory here. We bet you can recognize these pop icons and rock stars from the Seventies and Eighties from their eyes alone. If it helps, they come from their album covers (mostly). Try to name them all!
  1. Can you recognize a Beatle by his brow? Which of the Fab Four is this?
  2. His eyes might not match, but they certainly are memorable.
  3. Can you recognize the eyes of this country icon under all that hair?
  4. Her distinctive eyebrows and liner might give you a clue.
  5. Who is this staring back at you?
  6. Who is this rock star with the baby blues?
  7. Unlike Superman, he can't hid his identity behind spectacles.
  8. These eyes have seen a lot.
  9. See if you can identify these stylish '70s eyes.
  10. These eyes have soul.
  11. Which member of KISS is this?
  12. See if these eyebrows ring a bell.
  13. Finally, we couldn't do this quiz without the singer of "Eyes Without a Face."

Try to name these '70s and '80s pop stars from their eyes alone

Your Result...

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WILD 42 months ago
You got 10 out of 13
They always say that eyes are the windows to the soul — but they're also the windows to rock, folk, glam, metal, country…
Out of the 10 that I got right I own at least one CD of theirs including the 1978 Ace Frehley Solo Album.
MaryAnn 55 months ago
13/13 Nailed it! Got lucky with #12, the rest were easy for me.
Joe 58 months ago
abc123 72 months ago
11 out of 13. 4 and 12 tripped me up.
EllisClevenger 72 months ago
You got 6 out of 13
They always say that eyes are the windows to the soul — but they're also the windows to rock, folk, glam, metal, country…
Windows to the soul? I think my lights got turned off.
Eye couldn't see. LOL
ETristanBooth 72 months ago
13/13. I wish they'd included Neil Tennant's eyes, but I suppose they assume that people wouldn't know him.
Who's Neil Tennant? LOL (Sorry, I couldn't help myself).
But, seriously, who is he? I have never heard of him.
Lead singer of the Pet Shop Boys (West End Girls, Opportunities, Suburbia).
Kenson 72 months ago
12/13 but some good guesses along the way.
UTZAAKE 72 months ago
10/13. Foiled by 4, 10 and 11.
rycki1138 72 months ago
12 out of 13. I missed the Madonna question. The KISS one would have been harder if they showed a picture without the makeup.
JeffTanner 72 months ago
You got 12 out of 13 Missed #13 --------------They always that the eyes are the windows to the soul ----but they're also the windows to rock, folk, glam, metal, country...
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