What delightfully dismal things are these Addams family members doing?
They enjoyed some wonderfully weird activities.

All the members of The Addams Family are perfectly peculiar in their own way. Not only in how they dress and talk but also in what they do.
Here are some of the curious things that Gomez, Morticia and the rest got up to. Can you guess exactly what they’re doing?
What is Gomez doing here?
Why does Morticia have burger patties in the greenhouse?
What are Morticia and Gomez doing here?
What is Morticia about to shoot with this crossbow?
What does Gomez wash in front of the new neighbors?
Morticia names her painting "Spring Song" but it's really just...
What is Gomez doing with the suit of armor?
What is Morticia holding in her hand?
Why is Uncle Fester lying on a bed of nails?
Why does Gomez have a candle on his head?

What delightfully dismal things are these Addams family members doing?
Your Result...
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Perfect score, but I remember the lyric as 'So *get* a witch's shawl on' instead of 'So *put* a witch's shawl on'. Maybe there were two sets of lyrics, one for Season 1, another for Season 2 and I imprinted only the one set?
Adams family is a crappy show they get a 0 out of a 10 put on Munsters is a better show and there comedy is a lot better and funnier
What does Carolyn Jones, Barbara Eden and Elizabeth Montgomery have in common? They all played twin characters though Barbara Eden Jeannie's twin sister was pure evil.
maybe here's the reason for some of their strange ways. They are seen smoking the hookah in a couple episodes. Strong stuff in that thang!
big fan of this show. the comic strip it was based on appeared in the new yorker and the cartoon movie was great as were all the movies with raul julia and anjelica houston
8/10, and most of them were lucky guesses. Oh well. C'est la vie.
A walk in the park -- I do love me some Addamses. Watched both them *&* "that other family," but the Addams fam were always my cup of tea.
hoochie koo Carolyn Jones was a hottie!!