Which WKRP in Cincinnati character are you?
Are you more Les Nessman or Johnny Fever?

WKRP in Cincinnati was a show that ran on personality. From the secretary answering phones, the DJs in the booths and The Big Guy behind the desk, everyone worked at the radio station was an absolute character.
Naturally, this got us wondering: Which WKRP character are you most like?
Answer these questions below, and we'll deliver the news if you're more Les Nessman or Johnny Fever. Give it a spin and see who you get!
What would you want to do if you worked at a radio station?
All right, now pick your favorite hit album that was released while WKRP in Cincinnati was on the air:
Sounds good so far. Now, be honest. What time do you usually wake up to start your day?
Now it's time to talk personal style. Pick a fabric/textile you'd want to wear:
Next, pick a cup you'd feel most comfortable drinking out of:
Now, choose the movie below that you liked best that came out while WKRP in Cincinnati was on the air:
Which genre of music would you prefer to listen to?
What do you think is the grooviest 1970s TV show (other than WKRP in Cincinnati)?

Which WKRP in Cincinnati character are you?
Your Result...
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The music, movie and TV choices were pretty limited, and mostly lame. Apparently I'm Andy Travis, whom anyone who chose denim gets to be.
You got Andy Travis
Driven. Patient. Dressed nearly always in denim. You know how to take a good thing and make it better, so obviously, you rock. Seems about right to me.
Driven. Patient. Dressed nearly always in denim. You know how to take a good thing and make it better, so obviously, you rock. Seems about right to me.
OMG You got Herb Tarlek
Comfortable. Quirky. Smooth. Like Herb Tarlek, you're often the linchpin holding everything together (and possibly wearing a slick suit while you do it).
Actually it does say quirky....so guess it's ok...lol
Comfortable. Quirky. Smooth. Like Herb Tarlek, you're often the linchpin holding everything together (and possibly wearing a slick suit while you do it).
Actually it does say quirky....so guess it's ok...lol
You got Arthur Carlson
Maybe easily distracted, but endlessly supportive. You're the leader, because you're loyal and invested, but you don't let your view from the top get in the way of your fun-loving spirit.
Maybe easily distracted, but endlessly supportive. You're the leader, because you're loyal and invested, but you don't let your view from the top get in the way of your fun-loving spirit.
You got Andy Travis
Driven. Patient. Dressed nearly always in denim. You know how to take a good thing and make it better, so obviously, you rock.
You got Arthur Carlson
Maybe easily distracted, but endlessly supportive. You're the leader, because you're loyal and invested, but you don't let your view from the top get in the way of your fun-loving spirit.
Maybe easily distracted, but endlessly supportive. You're the leader, because you're loyal and invested, but you don't let your view from the top get in the way of your fun-loving spirit.
I got Bailey Quarters the first time, and Arthur Carlson a few times, Andy Travis, & Jennifer Marlowe. But no Herb, Les, Johnny or Venus.
I got Bailey Quarters! I would seriously like to have Bailey Quarters. She is smart, passionate, educated, and downright beautiful!
I agree with everything you say! I would rather have Bailey anyday over Jennifer, though I wouldn't turn her down.