11 vintage lunch boxes that are worth way more than you thought

Go clean out your basement to see if you have any of these.

Image credit: Dee Speed/Flickr

We all have memories of our favorite lunch boxes growing up. Whether its displayed your favorite Saturday morning cartoon or favorite band — a lunch box was the ultimate expression of who you were in school. And while your lunch box probably didn't make it through adolescence, there are quite a few still out there. Even better, some of them go for a lot of money! We scoured the web to find some pretty distinctive lunch boxes that go for a pretty penny. Some of the highest sellers might surprise you. 

1. 1970s Hee Haw lunch box, Average Price = $65


2. 1977 Funtastic World of Hanna Barbera lunch box, Average Price = $65

3. 1980s The Dukes of Hazzard lunch box, Average Price = $73


4. 1970s Land of the Lost lunch box, Average Price = $85

5. 1960s Mickey Mouse School Bus lunch box, Average Price = $90

6. 1977 Welcome Back, Kotter lunch box, Average Price = $125

This wasn't the only Welcome Back, Kotter lunchbox. Another one was made that caused a lot of confusion.

7. 1978 Happy Days lunch box, Average Price = $125

8. 1970s The Partridge Family lunch box, Average Price = $130

9. 1970s Star Trek: The Motion Picture lunch box, Average Price = $137

10. 1970s Smokey Bear lunch box, Average Price = $200

11. 1960s Beatles lunch box, Average Price = $700

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MAGronemeyer 46 months ago
I'm curious to know how much a "Disney on Parade" lunch box is! I used to carry a "Batman" lunch box based off the 1966 TV series that would probably be worth a fortune!
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