A biopic of ''Star Trek'' creator Gene Roddenberry is in development
The story of the man behind Star Trek will be produced by his son.
Recently, Trekkies the world over celebrated Gene Roddenberry on what would have been his 100th birthday. The Star Trek creator led a fascinating life beyond the 1966 series, including surviving not one but two plane crashes, the creation of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and writing speeches for the LAPD.
While Star Trek has no shortage of films, the time has finally come for the creator himself to be on the big screen. The news of a Roddenberry biopic comes just days after his 100th birthday. The project will be produced by Gene Roddenberry's son, Rod Roddenberry, and Trevor Roth. The duo is already working together on Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Picard.
Slated to write the film is Adam Mazer, who won a Primetime Emmy for You Don't Know Jack, a biopic about Jack Kevorkian starring Al Pacino. Director and cast is yet to be announced.

The biopic will cover Roddenberry's life both before and after the production of Star Trek. "Gene lead a remarkable life," said Rod Roddenberry and Trever Roth in a statement. "He was an incredibly complex, compelling man, whose work changed the face of television, and whose ideas changed the world. It’s time to share Gene’s story with audiences everywhere."
There's no word on when they will aim to release the movie. Who would you cast as the father of Star Trek?


I would love to see it.
BTW, MeTV, you forgot Majel Barret as Lwaxana Troi - Deanna Troi's mother.
Remember When - Back to the 50's & 60's.
Movies coming to your screen this weekend.
Coming attractions-
Epic "Conan the Barbarian" 1982 Introduction. About the 1 min 10 sec in you'll want to arm yourself and join Conan!
2001 A Space Odyssey: Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece: Look Out HAL9000!
You know its always difficult to judge what goes on behind closed doors. I'm not defending either behavior. But the reality of "Hollywood" is well known. And actors put themselves into positions of vulnerability. Its easy to judge after the fact, regarding many situations. Only the victim can judge the value of evident risk.
What could be better than having Capt. James T. Kirk himself - William Shatner - play him?!
Ok, maybe not. But it would be interesting to see what Shatner would do with the role.
I didn’t remember William Smith was in Conan, nor James Earl Jones for that matter. I looked it up and admit it sounds amusing.
Remember When - Back to the 50's & 60's. .
Movies coming to your screen this weekend.
Coming attractions-
Epic "Conan the Barbarian" 1982 Introduction. About the 1 min 10 sec in you'll want to arm yourself and join Conan!
2001 A Space Odyssey: Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece: Look Out HAL9000!