Adam West wasn't particularly upset that he wasn't approached to play Batman in Tim Burton's 1989 film

West was content to leave the cowl behind.

Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

While many fans remember Adam West as the quintessential Batman, every superhero has their time and place. With so many reboots, there's no shortage of Batman portrayals for comic book fans to love, hate, and argue over.

In an interview with The Gannett News Service, West revealed that during production for Tim Burton's Batman film reboot, he was never considered for the role of the Caped Crusader. "They never contacted me," said West. "I guess they wanted a hot, young movie star," he joked.

Of course, West wasn't hurt by the decision. "They have the right to the character," said West. "They can do what they want. They elected to choose someone else. And after all, it's their candy store."

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"I hope people don't take me too seriously," he added.

Besides, West had already left his mark on superhero history, and it was an impression that lingered no matter how many new Batman movies hit theaters.

"I see a lot of guys running around with my kisser on sweatshirts," said West. "And they have a tendency to chase me through airports and things. I never know who's going to come after me or what's going to happen, which is typical for a crime fighter."

Still, against the fame and notoriety, West preferred the life of a secret identity to that of a public figure. "Seriously, I'm really a family kind of person," said West. "I had years of decadence and the wildlife. It's about time. I've been ready and involved in family life for twenty years. There's nothing more rewarding than trying to hold your family together."

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Sway 2 months ago
Adam West was great as Batman in the TV series. He was 61 in 1989.
AgingDisgracefully 2 months ago
What are the chances he'd dispatch a shrill, "Hater!" in the world of today?
Perhaps goaded by his management.
Delmo AgingDisgracefully 2 months ago
Slim & none.
ElizabethBoop 2 months ago
I agree with the decision not to cast him as Batman in the film, but they could at least have had him cameo as another character.
At least they didn't try the same idiot play as did the producers of 1981's "Legend of the Lone Ranger". Those clowns sued TV's original "Lone Ranger", Clayton Moore, to stop him from making appearances in costume as the Lone Ranger. Then they cast an unknown who was so bad that a) he had to be completely dubbed over, and b) he has NO FURTHER CREDITS. [le sigh]
Actually, West said he would have considered being Grandpa Batman! And for the record, Klinton Spillsberry [almost certain I spelled it wrong] was the Lone Ranger! At least he wasn't a cannibal like his 2010's successor...LOL!
I always watch for cameos from the original cast when an old show gets a movie reboot. As hard as it was to pull off (since nearly all of the regular cast had passed on) they did get Ray Walton for a surprise appearance in the Disney reboot of My Favorite Martian.
Delmo cperrynaples 2 months ago
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