Ads for your favorite household brands in 1953 and now

We use far fewer words these days.

Ahh, advertisements. Commercials have become just as big of a pop culture staple as the items they're selling. People who don't like football will still tune in to the big game for the advertisements and just about everyone had an opinion on Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad earlier this year. While most businesses that ruled the ad game back in the 1950s may not exist today, many of them still do.

For the most part, older advertisements from these powerhouses offered a lot of information while modern ones are far more minimalistic. This could be have to do with our shrinking attention spans, but also because consumers can go straight to a brand's website or social media pages to find out all they need to know. Back in the day, crucial information had to be laid out right away. What style of advertising do you prefer? Tell us in the comments!

Johnson & Johnson 






Maxwell House


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RobChapman 38 months ago
Sure, Scott still has 1000 sheets....but the rolls are 25% shorter, and the sheets are 50% thinner than the old ones
BrianMoore 53 months ago
My take away is that we've become more minimalist in our ads since the 50s.
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