After nearly 70 years, the Dum-Dums lollipops prize program is ending

Collect all those wrappers you’ve been saving — the program ends May 31!

In 1924, I.C. Bahr, sales manager for the Akron Candy Company, came up with the name "Dum-Dums" for the brand’s lollipops because he thought it would be easiest for kids to remember.

In 1953, Spangler Candy acquired the brand and moved operations to Bryan, Ohio. The iconic suckers have been produced their ever since. 

Spangler wanted a promotional campaign for its new product. The company introduced a program where children could mail in wrappers (and some change) and get various toys and prizes. The first "Dum-Dums Wastebasket Deal" began 67 years ago in May, 1953.

For 15 cents and 15 wrappers, participants received a rubber baseball and a metal wastebasket. The deal expanded to include basketballs, footballs and non-sports items like toy cars, maps, binoculars and flying saucers.

The initial run of the program ended in the 1980s but has been recreated twice since. In the early 2000s, mail-in prizes included stickers and T-shirts. By 2016, the campaign moved to the internet. A special code on each lollipop wrapper could be entered online. Users would then complete games and challenges to collect points which could be redeemed for prizes.

Spangler Candy Co. spokeswoman Diana Eschhofen told CNN, "We're ending the program to make way for new products and promotions from Dum-Dums. For example, this summer regular bags of Dum-Dums will include two limited edition Hawaiian Punch flavored Dum-Dums."

While new flavors are always exciting, it’s the end of an era for candy lovers. Do you remember mailing in your Dum-Dums wrappers? Share your memories.

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candybaroque 52 months ago
see mom? i TOLD you they wouldnt print it if it didnt work!
AuntieFreese 58 months ago
Dum-Dums were what cheap people handed out on Halloween. Charms and Charms BlowPops were bigger and better. These days I love YumEarth Organic Pop, all natural, delicious fruit flavors. Favorite is Perfectly Peach.
dmagoon 58 months ago
Will they make sugar-free "Dum-Dums"?
MrsPhilHarris 58 months ago
Not familiar with Dum Dums but I remember Popsicle Pete had mail-in offers.
teire 58 months ago
I remember a pineapple coconut flavor that I thought was delicious.
Josie92 58 months ago
Didn't save Dum Dum wrappers, but I did collect enough Mallow Cup "tokens" to send in. Got a whole box of free mallow Cups in return!
BigE 58 months ago
Gee, I forgot about the mail-in prizes.
15inchBlackandWhite 58 months ago
Used to live near Bryan, Ohio. Home to Dum-Dums and also the Etch-a-Sketch.
d⃨a⃨m⃨n⃨ t⃨h⃨a⃨t⃨s⃨ r⃨e⃨a⃨l⃨l⃨y⃨ g⃨o⃨o⃨d⃨
texasluva RobCertSDSCascap 44 months ago
This is what we miss. Get back to MeTV!
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