An episode of Happy Days helped one fan repair her relationship with her father

The viewer wrote a thank you letter to one of the show's stars.

CBS Television Distribution

At its worst, television is simply a cure for boredom, but at its best, it's a force for change. Important lessons can be taught through television, especially if the audience demographic for a particular series tends to slant to the younger side.

Many television producers use a series as an opportunity to educate, not just entertain.

An important lesson was learned during an episode of Happy Days that impacted a viewer so deeply, that she wrote to one of the show's stars, Erin Moran.

Moran played Joanie Cunningham, younger sister to Richie. Although she began the series fairly juvenile and innocent, she grew up on the series and ultimately matured into an intelligent young woman.

Moran might have won the role of Joanie when she was young, but she began work as an actor at an even earlier age. "I started acting when I was four," said Moran during an interview with the Calgary Herald. "The first audition I went to, I got. It was for First Federal Bank. And I've worked ever since."

One episode in Happy Days featured an argument between Moran's character and her father, played by Tom Bosley. "I finally confronted Tom Bosley who played my dad and talked it out," said Moran.

The communication between a father and daughter deeply impacted a young viewer, who used the episode as a stepping stone to mend her own relationship with her father."A girl wrote in, and she said, 'Thank you so much for helping me talk to my dad...she wrote this fan letter saying, 'Now we communicate.' It was absolutely wonderful."

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Runeshaper 14 days ago
That's a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing, MeTV. I love shows like Happy Days for many reasons, but one of them is because of the lessons they teach.
CaptainDunsel 15 days ago
MeTV Staff - Gentle reminder: Spell Check and Grammar Check are NOT a replacement for PROOFREADING.
That last paragraph should reference "father and DAUGHTER", not "father and son".
Coldnorth CaptainDunsel 12 days ago
Are there people who work for MeTV that actually read these comments? I’m not being a smart a** but just wonder
CaptainDunsel Coldnorth 12 days ago
Apparently so. At least I have on occasion pointed out errata which have subsequently been corrected. That applies in this case, BTW, as it now reads "father and daughter".

Thank you, MeTV Staff!
CaptainDunsel Coldnorth 12 days ago
(OTOH, they haven't fixed this one yet...)
Coldnorth CaptainDunsel 10 days ago
Thanks for the answer
JohnnyBoyohBoy 16 days ago
"The communication between a father and son deeply impacted a young viewer, who used the episode as a stepping stone to mend her own relationship with her father"

Don't you mean, "The communication between a father and daughter deeply impacted a young viewer"?
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