Artist creates stunningly accurate blueprints of our favorite TV homes

Now we finally know the layout for Lucy and Ricky's apartment

Mark Bennett via Mark Moore Gallery

Have you ever watched a show and wondered what the entire set would look like in real life? Set designs make TV homes and workplaces nearly impossible to recreate in the real world because they allow for cameras and crewmembers to work behind the fourth wall. 

While we can recall certain rooms and piece of furniture, one artist took it a step further. In the 1990s, Mark Bennett created incredibly detailed blueprints for classic sitcom homes, including Mary Richard's apartment and the home of Samantha Stephens. Now, those floor plans are going viral almost two decades after Bennett originally put the pen to paper. 

Here are some of our favorites. These blueprints make it feel like we could live in any one of these homes. Take a look!

Laverne & Shirley 

I Love Lucy


The Golden Girls

The Jeffersons


The Flintstones

The Mary Tyler Moore Show

Leave It to Beaver


Mayberry from The Andy Griffith Show

Gilligan's Island

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ndebrabant 60 months ago
Would be nice if they could somehow be made larger so one could read them. Too hard at the size presented.
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