If Gilligan's Island hadn't been cancelled, the castaways would have turned the island into a resort hotel

It's a story of rags to riches.

Warner Brothers

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. While this is much easier said than done, the characters of Gilligan's Island exemplify this saying fairly well. Despite their best efforts, they never manage to escape the island they spend the entirety of the series on. But that doesn't mean that they're willing to give up, and each new episode gives the characters a new opportunity to try again.

Unfortunately, viewers were forced to say goodbye to Gilligan's Island much too soon when the series was canceled in 1967, after just three years on the air. While it still lives on in the hearts, minds, and jokes of generations today, we can't help but wish we got to see all of the crew's work paid off and watch the castaways escape the island during the show's original run.

Sherwood Schwartz, creator of Gilligan's Island, was not only aware of these wishes, he was one step further. He had a plan.

According to an interview with the Muncie Evening Press, Schwartz didn't intend for the castaways to spend the entire series on the island. "I hoped from the outset that the show would go for four years with them on the island," he said. "But I've had a projected escape in the back of my mind."

For all the bad luck the characters of Gilligan's Island experienced, viewers might be interested to know that once they do make it back home, their luck increases tenfold.

"Should they get rescued, or should the ratings go down, or should we feel we're getting into a rut," said Schwartz. "Then I'd turn the island into a resort hotel. Jim Backus would operate it because he's the rich man with the know-how. Gilligan and the Skipper would operate the boat to bring in the guests, and the rest of the cast would work at the hotel in various executive jobs."

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MichaelVegas 6 months ago
They WERE rescued in a movie called "Rescue from Gilligan's Island" where a massive wave washes everything off the island and the huts they are in is seen by a Navy Helicopter and they are rescued and sent to Hawaii. So yes they did get off the island (The show was 15 years from the original show so of course they were all older)
DanDolgin MichaelVegas 6 months ago
Yes, I remember the movie too. I was a TV movie around 1978 or 1979. I wonder if there is any online service I can find that still has this movie.
AnnieM DanDolgin 3 months ago
Reelgood (dot) com is a site that lets you look up any tv show or movie, and tells you what (if any) services have it for streaming or rental. For 'Rescue from GI', it says you can watch it for free on both the Plex or Roku Channel apps. It showed no services available for the two sequels, 'The Castaways on GI' or 'The Harlem Globetrotters on GI', though. Hope this helps!
ruswilinc 6 months ago
I really have a hard time swallowing that. He has gone on record claiming that Gilligan's first name was Willie. I cry foul. At no point in the 3 years that the show was on the air what's the name Willie ever mentioned once. He was never called anything but Gilligan. They didn't run around calling the skipper Grumby or the professor has Hinkley. Why would Gilligan be the only person to be addressed by the last name when he had the first one..? I think Schwartz simply retcons in his own mind after the fact.
NickG 6 months ago
That might have been a fun show.
Jon 6 months ago
This happened anyway on the 2nd GI tv movie from May 1979, "Castaways on Gilligan's Island".
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ruswilinc 6 months ago
For less than one full episode. By the end of that one they were already back at home on their own island.
DanDolgin 6 months ago
They got back to an their own island on a motor boat that seemed to be in excellent shape but when they arrived back on their island the boat sank.
CannonsMustache 6 months ago
They should've done one more season with a series finale so they could've been rescued and tied up any loose ends. If the reunion movies were any indication, Gilligan's Island would've failed miserably if they had extended the series so they could run a Thurston Howell III Hotel.
MsRockford74 6 months ago
Aww, too bad that didn't happen. I would've liked to see that idea pan out.
IwatchingME 6 months ago
younger fans never got a chance to see the cartoons or the tv movies made after the series went off. It woould have been something to see the different Gingers. Yes, fans, there were more stories done after the series went off the air. :)
Runeshaper 6 months ago
I really, really like the hotel idea.
Mitch8901 6 months ago
MeTV, if you can air Peanuts cartoons, Return to Mayberry and A Very Brady Christmas, then you can air "New Adventures of Gilligan" (Saturday mornings cartoon), "Rescued from Gilligan's Island", "Castaways on Gilligan's Island", "The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island" and "Gilligan's Planet" (Saturday mornings cartoon)
Mitch8901 6 months ago
Well..after Gilligan's Island was cancelled, the castaways started "New Adventures of Gilligan" (Saturday mornings cartoon), was "Rescued from Gilligan's Island", became castaways again -"Castaways on Gilligan's Island" which the island was turned into a beach island getaway resort, famous basketball players visited the beach island getaway resort - "The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island" and finally the castaways got tired of the island so they built a spaceship & went into outer space landing on a planet - "Gilligan's Planet" (Saturday mornings cartoon so I assume they remained on the outer space planet forever.
WilliamJorns Mitch8901 5 months ago
I remember seeing "Castaways On Gilligan's Island" and the following film with the Harlem Globetrotters. And yes, they did return to the island and turn it into a resort. They had scenes of all the accommodations for the tourists in both films, and the dialogue referenced the resort and its operation. Mr. Howell did indeed finance the whole thing, from what was said in "Castaways."
THOMASTERRYJR 6 months ago
"Gilligan's Island" had been given the green light by CBS to return for its fourth season. Its a shame Gilligan's Island had to be cancelled in the first place because of William Paley's wife's love for "Gunsmoke". Back in the mid 60's television programming did not think or believe of having "Gilligan's Island" placed on hiatus, having it replace the new program which debut in September and was cancelled in December because of poor ratings, and debuting "Gilligan's Island" in January as a mid-season replacement. All new programming had to debut in September.
sagafrat69 7 months ago
Those movies were disasters, especially the rescue movie in 1978. Never should've been made. I wish Schwartz had left them on the island in '67. To see Gilligan as a 40 something year old worn out man from all the drugs he did in the 70's and to see Mary Ann as a much older but still hot,just a different kind of hot, woman was not something I needed to see. The resort storyline in the 60's would have been interesting. If only the show hadn't been cancelled for Babe Paley's favorite show "Gunsmoke". Who knows what the show might of looked like in season 4 or maybe a season 5?
JHP sagafrat69 6 months ago
it's all about the denario
hootrs23 JHP 6 months ago
and the "dinero" too. lol
Wiseguy70005 sagafrat69 6 months ago
Always might (or would, could, should) have not might of.
sagafrat69 JHP 6 months ago
Stallone had originally planned for "Rocky" to be a stand alone movie. When the studio offered him mucho dinero for a sequel he couldn't pass that up. A real shame because every sequel pretty much sucked. Money apparently makes some people dance with the devil so to speak. In the 40's " Gone with the Wind" author Margaret Mitchell was asked if she would ever write a sequel to her book. She said no. She wanted the audience to decide Scarlett and Rett's fate. Some books, movies and t.v. shows need to be left alone after their original run. Some of us remember the crap that came after that run. Not good.
sagafrat69 Wiseguy70005 6 months ago
Huh? Sorry but what's your point?
DanDolgin sagafrat69 6 months ago
The only actor still alive today is Ginger.
sagafrat69 DanDolgin 6 months ago
Correct. She just turned ninety this year.
cperrynaples 7 months ago
Actually that story was done in the second reunion AFTER the castaways were re-rescued! It continued in the Harlem Globetrotters movie!
Skelson cperrynaples 6 months ago
Yes, I remember that also. What was the name of the second reunion? It seems like there was a show, similar to Fantasy Island.
DanDolgin cperrynaples 6 months ago
I think there was also Gilligan's Planet, an animated sci-fi series with the actor's voices playing their animated counterparts getting marooned on another planet.
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