Julie Newmar looks stunning in these vintage photographs

She was far more than Catwoman. Thanks for everything, Julie Newmar!

Three women played Catwoman in the 1960s, but there is only one original. There is only one Julie Newmar. By the time the actress slipped into the catsuit for Batman in 1966, she was already a well-known figure. In the prior decade, the multi-talented star had performed as a ballerina for the Los Angeles Opera and earned a Tony award for her role in The Marriage-Go-Round.

Newmar even holds a patent for a special type of pantyhose that she designed to "delineate the wearer's derriere in cheeky relief." On the big screen, the California native appeared in films like Li'l Abner, For Love or MoneyThe Maltese Bippy and the movie adaptation of The Marriage-Go-Round. These images come from those productions, as well as her sitcom My Living Doll — and we threw in a bonus from Batman, too.

Here are 11 vintage pictures of Julie Newmar that speak for themselves.

Image: The Everett Collection

Image: The Everett Collection

Image: The Everett Collection

Image: The Everett Collection

Image: The Everett Collection

Image: The Everett Collection

Image: The Everett Collection

Image: The Everett Collection

Image: The Everett Collection

Image: AP Photo

Image: The Everett Collection

You can catch her on Batman as part of MeTV's Super Sci-Fi Saturday Night.

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tomlynn 57 months ago
"She was" makes her sound like she's a "has-been". Did you know she plays keyboards, still does ballerina warm-ups, and remains a "Living Doll" for fans that still admire her timeless beauty? She even played an original Star Trek (while actuallly with child), and a Monkees episode opposite Batman on another network! She always defines beauty and grace!
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