Richard Boone believed actors should fight over roles, not dressing rooms

"Fighting over parts is healthy. It shows that they want to work."

In a television, film, or theatre production, sometimes issues arise when dealing with a cast of talented actors. Some people might feel like the main characters' actors are receiving special treatment, like getting a bigger dressing room, having a better wardrobe and more.

It becomes an issue that creates tension on the set and starts to affect the production. Richard Boone, the legendary actor who starred as Paladin on Have Gun - Will Travel, believed it's healthy for actors to fight. However, not over dressing room size. In his opinion, they should be fighting over roles.

In an interview with The Atlanta Constitution in 1963, the actor explained his point of view while promoting his new production, The Richard Boone Show. "I expect actors to scream and fight among themselves on my new show," he said to reporter Paul Jones. "That's normal and a very good thing."

Boone wasn't referring to physical fighting; he meant that it was good for actors to compete aggressively over starring and supporting positions. Yet, arguing over dressing room sizes or who gets the room closer to the stage was pointless, and he was entirely against it.

"That sort of thing has to be stopped," he revealed. "But fighting over parts is healthy and shows that they want to work."

Boone was known as the actor that loved working hard to get roles; no matter how small or big the part was, he loved putting in work to get it. The article talked about how this mindset paid off for the actor, as it showed through his work that he enjoyed every role he played.

He also talked about the importance of continuing work for actors rather than continuing character roles. This related to his new show, at the time, where every actor would have a chance to play different parts, including both leading and supporting roles.

Boone saw this as a way to keep gifted actors with opportunities.

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Bethois 21 months ago
RB was a really fascinating guy--and a highly underrated actor (IMnotsoHO).
MichaelSkaggs 22 months ago
Please note the date on the newspaper article, November 26, 1963. The day after the funeral of John F. Kennedy. People were still in shock of the events 4 days earlier. My guess is no one bothered to read it.
birddog 23 months ago
He was a cool bad guy in Hombre... Great movie BTW :))
Pacificsun 23 months ago
So frustrating, to not be able to drill down into that article. To read the questions, going along with the responses (the quote). I couldn't find the hyperlink not knowing the month. But for the benefit of "Have Gun Will Travel" fans, here's the hyperlink to the Television Academy Interviews (a treasure trove of substantive background) and offered directly by the person with their own impressions. This clip (2 of 7) featuring Richard Donner (an 𝘖𝘜𝘛𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘋𝘐𝘕𝘎 Director) talking about his experience with HGWT. But RD is worth reading about, in general, as well.

Not too many stories here have been provided regarding Richard Boone, an accomplished actor and very popular in the day!
JohnnyBoyohBoy Pacificsun 23 months ago
Here you go. November 26, 1963.
Pacificsun JohnnyBoyohBoy 23 months ago
Whoah, aren't you good! So nice of you to find the article and share it! I'm impressed.

In case you 𝓪𝓻𝓮 one of the MeTV Staff Writers, and we haven't seen that avatar before. Very clever. Please know that it's not that we doubt an article or a quote. As a Team you'all are actually very fact driven. Meant as a compliment, sometimes the articles are 𝒔𝒐 interesting it's nice to learn more. Thank you, and thank you for keeping us well entertained. We love reading all the stories we've been provided with during the holidays. The work going into them is always appreciated!!

Enjoy your holidays off!
Runeshaper 23 months ago
Richard Boone was a very smart, levelheaded man.
CaptainDunsel 23 months ago
He was also great at playing a villain...
LoveMETV22 23 months ago
Sounds like Richard Boone had strong emotions on the subject of fighting on set. At least his theme song has carried over to shows like "Parks & Recreation" and movies like "Stand by Me", excellent movie imo.
Catchy little tune.
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