See the best of Curly in The Three Stooges all this fall on MeTV

Get your Nyuks starting on September 12.

The season is called fall for a reason. The leaves fall from the trees. The temperatures drop. And, now, Curly Howard will be taking tumbles, slips and pratfalls all throughout autumn on MeTV.

Starting Saturday, September 12 at 6PM | 5C, MeTV presents the best of Curly from The Three Stooges. We have hand-selected "soiten" shorts that showcase the funniest moments of the beloved Stooge. Naturally, we're calling it Fall for Curly.

The three-month seasonal event kicks off this Saturday with some key pieces of Curly history.

"Disorder in the Court" (1936) features the first time his name was spelled "Curly" instead of "Curley" in the opening credits, and the first time he was listed first in the trio. "In the Sweet Pie and Pie" (1941) features an iconic pie fight. He gets disguised as a mummy in "We Want Our Mummy" (1939) and pretends to be an admiral in "Three Little Sew and Sews" (1939).

Check out our show page for The Three Stooges to see upcoming episodes.

That's only the beginning. Tune in every Saturday at 6PM | 5C for two hours of the best Curly Howard moments that will have you spinning on the floor and saying, "Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!"

Watch The Three Stooges on MeTV!

Two Full Hours

Saturdays at 5 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
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thanasi2471 52 months ago
Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard.
Pacificsun 52 months ago
PLEASE tell me there's an end date for the TTS! You promised only three months. Does that mean since it started Sept. 12, Nov. 12 will be the end?
JHP 54 months ago
to anyone that has no clue about the stooges

Disorder in the court

all the worlds a stooge - frankie johnny and Mabel

pain in the pullman

plumbing we will go

how high is up ("hows your sausage? Ok it s a bit tough Thats a rivet)

dutiful but dumb - the oyster soup is HILarious!

they stooge to conga
vinman63 JHP 31 months ago
Enny meeny miny moe, you can't go wrong with moe
Inrodwetrust 54 months ago
Every time I think of the three stooges I remember a hysterical skit can’t remember what show it’s from about Larry fine in his later years at the original Woodstock tripping balls warning people no to eat the “brown” acid. Was so funny the actor who played him was dead on and really looked like Larry lmao
Barry22 Inrodwetrust 54 months ago
It might have been 'Fridays' which was on ABC, and Larry David played 'Larry'.
Inrodwetrust Barry22 54 months ago
Omg I think your right lol loved that show so many talented cast members. Had a crush on Melanie chartoff
Stoney 54 months ago
Knowing that it will be all Curly episodes, no Shemp and especially no Joe Besser, will make me more likely to watch.

JHP Stoney 54 months ago
shemp was funny but in a different way - we was a hybrid between Larry and Curly - IMO
Barry22 54 months ago
If this is how MeTV is going to program, I fully demand that The Joe Besser shorts get equal airplay! FULLY DEMAND!!
You want to see Joe Besser so bad, then get the dvds. {if your budget allows.} Because seeing as JB is not one of the popular knuckleheads, your chances of seeing him spotlighted, are about as likely as seeing an ostrich flying. {Or because of the popularity of The Liberty Insurance commercials: seeing their cousins, the Emu flying.}
Hate the sheep/joe Besser ones almost as much as I hate those stupid liberty mutual commercials.
Pacificsun 54 months ago
Easy question. Is there any reason why 2 hours of this illustrious television programming can't be shifted to Saturday mornings where it belongs? Wouldn't that please everyone?
Easy answer: No, it wouldn't please everyone. It wouldn't please those that are not fans.
I'm glad I don't have to worry about setting a reminder to watch these knuckleheads. I am fortunate to have their collection. Also, I don't have to see METV's {I think I've seen it on there, on those rare occasions when I have watched;} "watermark," in the lower right corner.
Even though I won't be viewing them on Saturdays, I do hope METV has thought to include 3 Curly shorts: Calling All Curs, {1939,} Curly was in his element in this short. He, in real life, loved dogs.
Micro-Phonies {1945 one of his last shorts.} The one where he dresses up as a woman, and lip synchs while Christine McIntyre sings "Voice O Spring."
One final one I think they should show, {even though he's only in it for a minute, is 1946's "Hold That Lion." It is the one and only short that the Howard Brothers and Larry appear together.
"Voice Of Spring." Sorry, left off the "F."
Gary stephaniestavropoulos 54 months ago
Well, isn't that special.
stephaniestavropoulos Gary 54 months ago
What's so special, about what? What are you talking about?
cperrynaples 54 months ago
"Disorder" has proably the funniest Curly scene where he's sworn in while balancing his hat and cane!
JHP cperrynaples 54 months ago
"please drop the vernacular)

vernacular? thats a derby
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