These vintage ads prove 1967 was far more hi-tech than you remember

Yes, we had portable video cameras and music in our pocket half a century ago.

Kids today — and, well, Millennials and the rest of us, too — can hardly imagine life without a smartphone. What would happen to society without the internet? It was a mere 25 years ago that we lived without those two tentpoles of the 21st century.

Imagine if we rolled the clock back twice as far. 1967. Half a century ago. We must have been living in the Stone Age!

Not quite. Computers, music in your pocket, portable video cameras, channel surfing with the clicker… all of it was available. Just look at these vintage ads from '67 that show the world was filled with wondrous technology. After all, we were sending men into outer space.

RCA computers

Image: Click Americana

Sure, it's not exactly working on that unfinished novel in a Starbucks, but it's not far off.

Sony Portable Videorecorder

Image: Reddit

This fellow was trying to make "Baby birds in a nest" the first viral video.

Panasonic Startream


Panasonic attempted to redesign the common television with a sci-fi look. The Starstream never took off, but it did look like a control panel from the Death Star. 

Realistic "Micro" Portable Radio


Okay, transistor radios were not terribly high tech by today's standards, but that little one was pretty sweet for sneaking rock & roll into high schools.

Smith-Corona Electric Portable Typewriter


"Do you have an outlet for my laptop?" See, people could have conceivably said that in '67.

Kodak Instamatic 104

Image: / eBay

Instagram, circa 1967.

Air Express

Image: Terapeak

No, kids, he's not covered in giant fleas. He's a punch card.

Republic Steel

Image: Amazon

Computer companies are still trying to get us to use a stylus. We like our fingers just fine, thanks.

Electronic Computer Brain


A computer brain for under five bucks? Okay, this was a gimmick from the back of a Marvel comic book, but it sounds as impressive as something the Fantastic Four would have.

"The Computer Girls"


While not an ad, this article from the April 1967 issue of Cosmopolitan explained that the computer industry was made for working women.

Monroe Epic 3000 Calculator


Sure, it won't fit in a pocket, but at least you don't need a slide rule.

Sony "Sun Set" Transistor Television


This tiny TV utilized a black screen to reduce glare. What better way to watch the premiere of Mannix outdoors?

Admiral AFC


AFC had nothing to do with football. That's the "Automatic Fine Tuning Control," a remote with seven whole buttons!

Star Trek TV

Image: Flavorwire

Even if this massive wooden television fails to impress you as a piece of modern technology, you could watch Star Trek on it in 1967, and that was far, far ahead of its time.

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