This Happy Days fan predicted where the gang would be in 1992

Did you ever try to picture Fonzie in the Nineties?

In 1977, the Happy Days episode called "Time Capsule" found the gang locked in the hardware store’s basement after assembling to place their school’s time capsule in a vault.

For the millions of fans watching Happy Days, these precious moments the gang dropped into the capsule weren’t just there to signify what these particular teens held so dear.

They were also tokens of characters whom audiences came to deeply care for watching them grow up on Happy Days. So much so that after the show ended in 1984, some fans couldn’t help but wonder what the gang would be up to if they were still around in the Nineties?

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By 1992, there was so much fan interest in catching up with the Cunninghams that the network floated the idea of doing a reunion movie.

Not everybody on the cast was overjoyed by that idea, though.

"I was not crazy about doing a Happy Days movie because I’d have to let that jacket out a little bit," Henry Winkler told Gannett News Service in 1992. "It would have been very embarrassing to try at 46 to play a teenager."

It’s probably not entirely Fonzie’s fault the movie never happened, but instead of doing a reunion movie, the network decided to just host a cast reunion special.

At least one Happy Days fan didn’t take this news lightly.

Gannet News Service writer Valerie Helmbreck decided if the network wasn’t going to take the Happy Days into the Nineties through a reunion movie, she’d write the endings of the characters herself.

In a column called "Where would Happy Days be now?" she went character by character and predicted what she thought would have happened to each of the cherished classic TV characters.

Interviewing Winkler, he actually shared his own thoughts on what Fonzie would do in 1992: "I think he would have a chain of Mr. Goodwrenches," Winkler said.

As for the rest of the gang, though, the writer’s outlook is... not quite so happy as you might expect?

She starts with Richie, deciding his fate is as a failed TV writer:

"When the series ended, Richie was headed to Hollywood to become a script writer. After a few unsuccessful sitcom pilots, Richie might have fallen back on his college journalism degree and gone to work in studio public relations."

Then she moves on to Lori Beth, Richie’s wife. (Look for her in "Time Capsule" playing a different Happy Days character in her first role on the show!)

"Lori Beth would probably be operating an interior decorating business and caring for the couple’s two kids."

For Joanie and Chachi, Helmbreck forecasts a failed music career that leads him to open a music store and her to become a teacher at the same high school where her cousin Roger Phillips became principal.

The keys to Howard Cunningham’s hardware store, she imagines, would get passed on to Potsie Weber, after Mr. and Mrs. C decided to retire in Florida.

In her column, Helmbreck laments, "We’ll never really know what happened to the happy Cunninghams and their extended family."

Did anyone else out there ever think about where the Happy Days gang would be in the Nineties?

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eddiecantorfan 35 months ago
DAPHNE (Hillary Horan) was a
Great Character on Happy Days
And I like the song Calendar Girl sung by Neil Sedaka &
Potsie Anson Williams.
DAPy played the drums in Richie's band while Potsie was
singing Calendar Girl.
eddiecantorfan 35 months ago
MOOSE (played by BARRY GREENBERG) and the cute girl
Dancing in Arnold's Drive In from the Happy Days episode called Guess Who's Coming To Visit is one of the best scenes
In Sitcom History .
eddiecantorfan 35 months ago
HORAN is the girl who played
the drums in Richie's band
Starting with season 4.
Chachi Arcola (Scott Baio)
Bag Zombroski (Neil J Schwartz)and Sticks (John Anthony Bailey)also played
the drums in Richie' band.
eddiecantorfan 35 months ago
Has anyone besides me noticed that
actor HOWARD PLATT (Officer HOPPY on Sanford And Son
RESEMBLES cartoon character
Could someone POST pictures of
Howard Platt and Dudley DORIGHT?
eddiecantorfan 35 months ago
Does anyone know if the EPILOGUE
From the Happy Days episode called
Guess Who's Coming To Visit is still available on You Tube where MOOSE Barry Greenberg and a girl played
by Carey Williams are dancing at
Arnold's Drive In .
I know that Harlow 1313 Uploaded that Happy Days clip a few months ago but I haven't been able to
Upload that Clip clip from Guess Who's Coming To Visit .
So I wondered if that Happy Days
Clip was still available to either
Upload or just watch that clip
eddiecantorfan 35 months ago
I enjoyed that Happy Days Video
that you uploaded under one of the METV Articles .The Happy Days clip
that you put under one of the METV
Articles was from the season one episode of Happy Days called Guess Who's Coming To Visit and in the Happy Days clip MOOSE (BARRY GREENBERG) is Dancing with a girl
(Played by CAREY WILLIAMS) .
Moose and the girl WERE NOT
Grounded because they didn't go
to the attempted drag race between
Fonzie and Skizzy .
Does anyone out there in METV
LAND know if Carey Williams acted
in other TV shows or movies besides
Happy Days?
Also does anyone know if actress
CAROL WILLIAMS is still an actress
AND has Carol Williams appeared in
Any Recent TV Shows and movies.
Carol Williams played MARILEE on the Happy Days episode called Fonzie's New Friend .
MARILEE turned down a date with Sticks Downey Jr played by John Anthony Bailey .
Also I read that Carol Williams and
Cindy Williams of Laverne and Shirley are sisters both does anyone know if Carey Williams and Carol Williams are related?
LoveMETV22 eddiecantorfan 35 months ago
Carey Williams:
Carol Williams:
Carey Williams and Carol Williams are related?:
eddiecantorfan LoveMETV22 35 months ago
Thanks for the information on
Carey Williams and Carol Williams who both appeared on one episode only of Happy Days -Guess Who's Coming To Visit Carey Williams season one of Happy Days and Fonzie's New Friend Carol Williams as MARILEE Season 3 of Happy Days. Also is that clip from
Guess Who's Coming To Visit
Still available to upload from
You Tube where MOOSE Barry Greenberg and the girl played
By Carey Williams are dancing
At Arnold's Drive In after Richie
Fonzie Ralph Potsie Skizzy and
the other kids were grounded.
Richie mentioned that he was
"Grounded For Life " until
Howard Cunningham shortened
Richie being grounded for two
eddiecantorfan 35 months ago
Happy Days Actors RIP
Tom Bosley(Howard Cunningham)
Erin Moran (Joanie Cunningham)
Gavan O Herlihy (Chuck Cunningham
Arnold (Pat Morita)
Al Delvecchio (Al Molinaro)
Marsha Simms(Beatrice Colen)
Officer Kirk (Ed Peck)
Load previous comments
On Gilligan's Island Mary Ann
(Dawn Wells) would have been
For Gilligan(Bob Denver).
On GOMER Pyle USMC Bunny
(Barbara Stuart) and Sgt Hacker (Allan Melvin) would
Agave been a cute couple .
Cynthia Brannigan played by
Marla Pennington appeared in
Two episodes of Happy Days-
The Classical Music Episode and the Fonzie Meets The Lone
Ranger episodes of Happy Days.
Cynthia Brannigan Suffered
The SAME FATE as Chuck
Cunningham Marsha Simms
Wendy Bag Zombroski Trudy
Moose Flip Phillips Eugene Belvin KC Cunningham Melvin
Belvin and Fonzie dog SPUNKY
- All of these Happy Days characters -including SPIKE
- Disappeared into thin air
With No Explanation.
Cynthia Brannigan was replaced by Ashley Pfister as
Fonzie's New girlfriend.
Barbara Stuart (Bunny On GOMER Pyle USMC) and Allan Melvin (Sgt Hacker) on GOMER Pyle USMC) played A married couple on The Joey Bishop Show before they were on
eddiecantorfan 35 months ago
There were EXACTLY 500 TV
Viewers who said that they liked Gavan O Herlihy as
Chuck Cunningham on Happy Days in the Dave Sundstrom
Video that is Right Above NMy Comments .
The name of the Dave Sundstrom video is called
Remembering Gavan O Herlihy
RIP Star of Happy Days and
Lonesome Dove.
I am having Happy Days of my
Own after ready the 500 Comments From Happy Days
Viewers who liked BOTH Gavan O Herlihy and Randolph Roberts as Chuck Cunningham on Happy Days.
Rest In Peace
Gavan O Herlihy
1974 Season One of Happy Days
Gavan O Herlihy and Randolph Roberts BOTH did an excellent job playing Chuck Cunningham on Happy Days .
I wonder who the best basketball player was an
Happy Days -Chuck Cunningham (Gavan O Herlihy and Randolph Roberts) or
Roger Phillips Ted McGinley
On Happy Days.
Richie Cunningham (Ron Howard) was also a good basketball player on Happy Days .
LoveMETV22 eddiecantorfan 35 months ago
I enjoy a good Retcon video. There are many, but I like this one from:
" I Am Your Target Demographic"
eddiecantorfan 36 months ago
Please write an ARTICLE on the
Minor Characters on Happy Days:
Daphne Wendy Gloria Trudy Spike
Moose Bag Zombroski KC Cunningham Flip Phillips Chuck
Cunningham Sticks Downey Jr
Eugene Belvin Melvin Belvin
Leather Tuscadero Tommy and
Bobby MELNER .
I would also like to see articles
On Elizabeth MacRae (Lou Ann
POOVIE) Russell Johnson (Professor
Roy Hinkley) GOMER Pyle USMC
Cast Members Boyle (Roy Stuart)
Nick Cuccinelli (Tommy Leonetti)
Newt Kiley (KAY Kuter) of Green
Acres HERBIE BATES played by
Don Washbrook on Petticoat Junction and Junior HOCKER
Played by Russ Horton on Petticoat Junction and Hank Kimball (Alvy
Moore) on Petticoat Junction.
And also I hope that METV can write
Articles on Chester Anderson (Buddy
Hart) Tooey Brown Tiger Fafara Ken
Osmond (Eddie Haskell) Frank Bank
(Lumpy Rutherford) and David Kent
Bill Scott) on Leave It To Beaver.
Hank Kimball was On Green Acres-Not Petticoat Junction.
eddiecantorfan 36 months ago
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eddiecantorfan albundy 36 months ago
I wish that you and WISEGUY
Would BOTH go out the EXIT
eddiecantorfan albundy 35 months ago
You type your way and I'll type my way .
You and WISEGUY need to
Quit insulting people and you
BOTH need to quit making fun
Of the way I type and you need
to quit making fun of persons
Period . There's an old expression ,If you can't say anything nice about someone then don't say anything at all.
From now on I will ignore the
And I still hope that you and
WISEGUY will go out the exit
door that leads to The Twilight Zone. (Rod SERLING was a great host of The Twilight Zone.
eddiecantorfan 36 months ago
Does anyone have the address of
METV.?I would like to ask METV
If I can UPLOAD episode of TV
Shows that are seen on METV
And just put a few episodes only
Under the METV articles .
LoveMETV22 eddiecantorfan 36 months ago
Just for curiosity , you should post that question in a story or quiz room more recent than this one.
Just the " I would like to ask METV
If I can UPLOAD episodes of TV
Shows that are seen on METV
And put full episodes
Under the METV articles."
See what type of responses you get.
eddiecantorfan 36 months ago
Harlow 1313 and Mrs Phil Harris:
If you pull up TV BANTER by Joann
Madden on Your Cellphones then
You can read Articles on these
Happy Days Persons:
1 Chuck Cunningham
2 Bag Zombroski
3 Moose And Melvin Belvin
4 Eugene Belvin
5 Roger Phillips
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
1 Wally Plumstead
My Favorite Martian
1 Angela Brown
These are all great Articles on TV
Banter on persons on Happy
Days The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet and My Favorite Martian.
If anyone would like to suggest articles on actors and characters on
Classic TV contact TV BANTER with
Joann Madden on your cellphone.
I forgot to mention that on TV
Banter there are also articles
Gilligan's Island
Mary Ann Summers
Leave It To Beaver
Penny Woods
Julie Foster
Mary Ellen Rogers
So far I have not seen any articles on GOMER Pyle USMC
Green Acres and the rest of the
Cast of Gilligan's Island on
TV BANTER also has an article on the Cast of Petticoat Junction .
So far there have not been
Articles on these Happy Days persons : Marsha Simms
Wendy Trudy Spike and other
Cast Members of Happy Days.
I'm the Article about Wally Plumstead (Skip Young) on The
Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet actress Charlene Salerno (Ginger) is also mentioned because she played
Wally's girlfriend on Ozzie and Harriet .
TV BANTER by Joann Madden
Says that soon she will be writing an article on the Cast
Members of ALICE .
eddiecantorfan 36 months ago
On the Happy Days episode called Guess Who's Coming To Visit Fonzie
Attempts to have a drag race with
Skizzy and the police show up and
Later Richie and everyone at the drag race was grounded .
Who were the persons who were
Not grounded because they didn't go to the drag race and who played
these characters?
On the season 3 episode of Happy Days called Fonzie's New Friend what was the first
name of the girl that Richie
tried to go on a date with Sticks Downey Jr and she turned him down and who played this girl ?
eddiecantorfan 36 months ago
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eddiecantorfan albundy 36 months ago
I wish that you would go out
Al Bundy
Are you having fun making fun of persons?
Al Bundy
Instead of making fun of the way that I type why don't you
write comments about METV
Articles and METV Quizzes
And write about TV shows that you like and don't like and why
Don't you suggest that MEYV
carry old TV shows and movies
that you like.
Quit acting like Ebenezer Scrooge and Ben Weaver of TAGS.
The Same Advice is also for
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