
A Chest, a Head- is This an Anatomy Lesson?! No, it’s "The Thing That Couldn't Die"- Tonight!

Tonight on MeTV-find out what gets a rise out of Vincent Price’s disfigured “dead-again/live-again” villain- as we pick up where last week’s movie left off- only a few years later- when the killer keyboardist is restored to life- and sets out on a quest to return his beloved wife to the realm of the living- while racing against an anxious adversary to a certain spot in Egypt that promises eternal life- as “Dr. Phibes Rises Again”!

After a brief recap of the last film ( narrated by Garry Owens), we pick up three years after that- when the position of the moon sets off the revival process that releases Phibes from the grave! He now feels the time is right to use a manuscript he has...

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