
It's Fright Bite Tonight -as Jack Palance Becomes the Vampire Count in "Dan Curtis' Dracula"!

What’s that you say? You say that “Ants” were too small- and not fuzzy enough? You say you’d like something a little bigger- but just as deadly? And- you’d like some coffee along with it all? Well, my friends, tonight on MeTV, we’ve got just what you’re looking for! What has eight legs and flies? One of the poisonous passengers aboard an airplane that contains “Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo”!

 Things are a little tense in Guatemala- a couple scheming pilots are trying to take off with a huge load of coffee beans that’ll bring them a tidy sum- but the local federales won’t let them leave with the coffee (translation: how about a bribe?) Our two flyboys raise their bribe money ...

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