
Our First BOO-Nanza Double Feature: The Monster and... a Monster?

Yes, tonight is the night of the big move- the Sven show will now start at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central- and we're kicking off this new time slot with a new merchandise item (we'll get to that later) and a brand new show- with its monsters created by a famed effects master, and its hero (and nemesis) rooted in mythology- it's time for a sand and sandals spectacular- "Medusa Against the Son of Hercules"!

We'll explain the origins of this "Son of Hercules" monicker on the show- as this 1963 film focuses on  heroic young Perseus, who lives simply and respects nature and honesty. Not everyone does, however-  the villainous royal family of Argos, lead by King Acrisio and his nast...

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