
It's Fright Bite Tonight -as Jack Palance Becomes the Vampire Count in "Dan Curtis' Dracula"!

If you checked in the online Svengoolie store  (I know, I know- I have a store?!)- you've noticed the new collector's button set. It's two buttons, a little larger than our previously offered buttons, with artwork done by two legendary comics artists.

One is created by Alex Ross- known by many as the "Norman Rockwell of Comic Artists" for his fantastic photo-realistic painted work. He's worked for both Marvel and DC Comics- created such masterpieces as "Kingdom Come" and "Marvels"- has  done collector's graphics of the Beatles and the Universal Monsters- and even  created the poster for the Oscars a few years ago. A longtime friend of mine, he parodies one of his most famous wo...

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