Can you guess that American girl doll?

Where (or when) are these American girls from?

 The Everett Collection

You either grew up collecting American Girl Dolls, or you were jealous of the kids who did. In this quiz, we'll be going through some of the most popular American Girl Dolls who lived through decades past. We'll tell you what outfits and accessories they own, and it's your job to tell us what decade they lived in!

  1. Melody's accessories include a pair of cat eye glasses and a vinyl record. She also owns an outfit called the Doo-Wop Dress. What decade is she from?
  2. Claudie's accessories include a bar of Madame C.J Walker's perfumed soap, a yo-yo, and a cloche hat. She has an outfit called the Jazzy Flapper outfit. What decade is she from?
  3. Kirsten's accessories include a red and white bonnet and an embroidered fabric spoon bag. What decade is she from?
  4. Kit's accessories include a homemade scooter made out of an orange box and a Buffalo nickel coin! What decade is she from?
  5. Maryellen's accessories include a vinyl print autograph book, a handkerchief, and a string of pearls. What decade is she from?
  6. Julie's accessories include a record player, a few vinyl records, roller blades, and a mood ring. What decade is she from?
  7. Isabel's accessories include butterfly hair clips, a beret, and a mini backpack. What decade is she from?
  8. Courtney's accessories include a cassette tape, bangle bracelets, and a multicolored boom box.
  9. Molly's accessories include a handkerchief, a steel cut penny, and saddle shoes. What decade is she from?
  10. Nicki's accessories include a personal CD player, a paper zine, and a baseball cap. What decade is she from?

Can you guess that American girl doll?

Your Result...

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KaterTot 7 months ago
10/10! I own a Julie doll, and my sisters have Maryellen and Courtney so I knew those instantly!
genZmetv 7 months ago
heck yeah 10/10. i'm the biggest american girl fan on this site
Snickers 7 months ago
10/10. Since I'm a 67 year old guy I guess I did well with the guessing. Really, just the accessories that came with the doll was a dead give away about the decade.
Iecabods 7 months ago

I didn't kno any of this puzzle
Zip 7 months ago
Okay, that's 3 6/10's in a row.

I don't remember them having roller blades in the 70's. Weren't those an 80's thing?!
Snickers Zip 7 months ago
The first rollerblades were built by the Olsen brothers of Minnesota in 1980 but the idea can be traced back to the mid 1700's.
Berlin58 7 months ago
The '70s didn't include rollerblades. Rollerblades didn't come out until the '90s you have them in the 70s category
nerakr 7 months ago
9/10. And I knew the one I missed. Just didn't read it well enough. Why did they leave out Samantha, Felicity, Kaya, Josefina, and Addy?
WGH 7 months ago
9/10 I missed the question where I had to choose between 1900 and 1850. That was a hard one. Love the quiz!
CarolKelley 7 months ago
The steel penny in the Molly question was a dead giveaway that the decade was the 40s. My mom had a steel penny that she had saved from WWII
ncadams27 7 months ago
I’m not sure what accessories would have been available in the 1450’s (see #4). A printing press?
MikefromJersey 7 months ago
"You got 10 out of 10. Way to go!"

Okay, number one, don't tell the guys down at Addams Pub that I aced this quiz about dolls!
Actually, I used deductive reasoning from the descriptions of the eras to make my guesses.

Don Knotts 100th birthday was 2 days ago, MeTV guys, you should have done something to
mark that.
sjbang88 7 months ago
8/10 never heard of any of these dolls, even after watching the Collectors Call episode
Guinness 7 months ago
Wow I got perfect score on an American Girl doll quiz. My daughter actually won an American Girl doll years ago. It's still in the box. I haven't played with it yet. 😀
WordsmithWorks 7 months ago
10/10. Not bad for an old guy with a passing knowledge of the doll line.
MsRockford74 7 months ago
Love the American Girl series. Had a mini Emily Bennett doll (Molly's friend) and a Samantha doll, she was my favorite:)
ASperos 7 months ago
10/10!!!! Love American Girl!!!!!
DanDolgin 7 months ago
10/10, I know nothing about this doll but I guessed the decades based on the items were popular and/or current technology of the period.
sjbang88 DanDolgin 7 months ago
Yeah, I did the same thing
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