Can you identify these celebrity guest stars on Perry Mason?
Try not to be guilty of forgetting these major '60s celebs!

Perry Mason was a classy show, and you can bet the time's top stars all swarmed to be a part of its upstanding legacy.
Below, we've snipped out scenes that show some of the biggest celebrity guest stars we ever saw appear in the courtroom or, worse, on the other side of a murder weapon.
Think you can come up with the right verdict for every case we throw at you? Take the quiz and find out if you're guilty of forgetting a face or two. Good luck!
You can catch celebrity guest stars and iconic episodes of Perry Mason all month. See the full "Perry MAYson" schedule here.

It's funny to see this familiar face on Perry Mason when we're so used to finding her at home on which show?
He appeared on Perry Mason in 1964, but 30 years later, he was firmly established as a lovable sidekick on which show?
This guy's a superstar, but on Perry Mason, he was just another guy under suspicion. Which 1960s TV show is he best known for?
On Perry Mason, she ends up on the stand, but on which show was she the lovely neighbor?
This little guy was on just about every show in the 1960s, including Perry Mason, but he's best known for which one?
Look into the eyes of this Perry Mason guest star to recall this show where she plays a TV mom:
Nearly a decade before he became known as a cast member on this show, we saw the actor below get a pep talk from Perry:
Pictured here is a bonafide movie star, but Perry Mason doesn't care who you are when you're on his stand. Which movie is he best known for?
Here's another TV star who you may struggle to recognize in the slick suit he wore on Perry Mason. Which TV show found him in a much different uniform?
This big actor's career was just beginning when he appeared on Perry Mason. Which movie is among those he's best known for?

Can you identify these celebrity guest stars on Perry Mason?
Your Result...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ipsum. Mauris viverra, urna et porta sagittis, lorem diam dapibus diam, et lacinia libero quam id risus.

You got 9 out of 10
Good job! Even this Hollywood big shot's surprised you recognized him!
#4 stumped me!
Good job! Even this Hollywood big shot's surprised you recognized him!
#4 stumped me!
#4 Has two correct answers....might want to change that one
Number 4 has two correct answers. Cloris Leachman was in both the Facts of life and the Mary Tyler Moore show.