Can you match the mascot to the right fast food chain?

Would you like fries with this quiz?


Some fast food mascots are just as iconic as the food chain itself. In this quiz, we're seeing how well you can remember mascots of ages past, and testing you on your fast food trivia!

  1. Colonel Sanders is the mascot of which fast-food chicken chain?
  2. The King is the mascot of which fast food chain?
  3. This clown serves as the mascot for McDonald's
  4. The Noid is the mascot of what fast food chain?
  5. This masked bandit served as a mascot for McDonald's.
  6. Fred the Baker was the mascot for which breakfast food chain?
  7. The Kritters were mascots for which fast food chain?
  8. What is the name of the Jack in the Box mascot?
  9. The Oven Mitt was a mascot for which fast food restaurant?
  10. This restaurant mascot was named after the founder's daughter.

Can you match the mascot to the right fast food chain?

Your Result...

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Adamtwelvia 3 months ago
Got only 2 wrong. I hated that annoying Arby's oven mitt
soonersjlg 9 months ago
Missed #7. Never heard of Krystal's. Not sure we have ever had any of those in Oklahoma.
chris70 soonersjlg 9 months ago
Just like white castle. Mainly in the southern states
gockionni 9 months ago
9/10, didn’t know about the Oven Mitt and never heard of Krystal’s but guessed that one because I couldn’t associate Kritters with either of the other two.
ERROL gockionni 9 months ago
Krystal’s been around almost forever
I remember when they were $.10
soonersjlg gockionni 9 months ago
Just curious what state you're from? I live in Oklahoma and never heard of Krystal's either.
gockionni soonersjlg 9 months ago
I live in Washington State - I looked it up and it would appear that Krystal’s are in some southern states.
Hollie soonersjlg 9 months ago
every where at one time in florida
Coolrain 9 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
You handled that quiz like a champ!
KentuckyPhil69 9 months ago
10/10... As Lord Vader said, all too easy... May the Force be with all of us...
KentuckyPhil69 9 months ago
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KentuckyPhil69 BorisK 9 months ago
True this 😞
Coldnorth KentuckyPhil69 9 months ago
I feel your pain
trogg888 9 months ago
Wendy was the adoptaed daughter of the founder and I believe he started an agency to promote adoption.
STTOS 9 months ago
You got 9 out of 10 - You handled that quiz like a champ! Did better than I thought I would. Missed #9. Knew it wasn't Popeye's and guessed wrong on the other two. But I'll take it.
Crisco 9 months ago
You got 8 out of 10
You handled that quiz like a champ!
nightshade 9 months ago
10 outta 10 and i only had to guess ion two lol
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