In what decade did these books that inspired movies come out?
This novel quiz is a must-read.

While not everyone is a bookworm, there are some novels that break out into the larger cultural consciousness. Maybe they were assigned reading in school or they inspired a famous blockbuster movie. Some were just good, old fashioned page turners!
Here are 12 books from decades past that are still household names to this day. Can you guess which decade each one was published?
Arguably the most famous fantasy series of all time, when was the first book in 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy published?
Image: Allen & Unwin
This Pulitzer Prize-winning book was published in which decade?
Image: Harcourt
This novel inspired the '70s mafia movie of the same name. What decade was the book published?
Image: G.P. Putnam's Sons
Here's another novel that inspired a 1970s blockbuster. What decade was it published?
Image: Doubleday
What decade was this beloved children's novel published?
Image: Harper
The first book in this classic science fiction series came out in the...
Image: Chilton Books
When was this Stephen King horror novel published?
Image: Viking Press
Speaking of scary stories, what decade was this creepy book published?
Image: Random House
This John Steinbeck classic inspired a James Dean film. When was it published?
Image: Viking Press
Millions of kids have read this novel in school since it was first published in the...
Image: J.B. Lippincott & Co.
What decade was this novel about a group of boys stranded on an island first published?
Image: Faber and Faber
This Roald Dahl classic came out in which decade?
Image: Allen & Unwin

In what decade did these books that inspired movies come out?
Your Result...
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I just thought I'd say "hi" to everybody. I hope everyone is having a great week. Not going to even try this quiz 😉😊
I got 9 out of 12. I bought The Color Purple and I thought it was absolutely DISGUSTING! The language was raunchy and I gave the book to the public library.
The .Color Purple was required reading for me back in Junior High, or maybe it was Freshman year, early 1980s. I really liked the book, but I do remember being surprised at all the raunchy situations and language. I’m sure some parents complained, but I never heard anything about it.
I’m proud to say I’ve read nine of them, all but #1, #3, and #6. I tried to read The Hobbit and couldn’t get into it, so never picked up Tolkien again. I had no interest in The Godfather, and for some reason I got it in my head long ago that Dune was for boys!