Can you name the TV show by the letter D in its title?

Put your love of classic TV to "D" test.

If you love classic TV shows, "D" stands for how much you'll dominate this opening credits quiz.

We've isolated just the "D" from classic TV titles to see if you can D-tect the correct show from a single letter. Good luck!
  1. Pick the TV show that featured this letter D in its title:
  2. Pick the TV show that featured this letter D in its title:
  3. Pick the TV show that featured this letter D in its title:
  4. Pick the TV show that featured this letter D in its title:
  5. Pick the TV show that featured this letter D in its title:
  6. Pick the TV show that featured this letter D in its title:
  7. Pick the TV show that featured this letter D in its title:
  8. Pick the TV show that featured this letter D in its title:
  9. Pick the TV show that featured this letter D in its title:
  10. Pick the TV show that featured this letter D in its title:

Can you name the TV show by the letter D in its title?

Your Result...

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PeterRoff 53 months ago
I was surprised Dynasty, Dallas, and The Donna Reed Show were not part of the quiz.
jerseyguy2468 57 months ago
You got 7 out of 10
We bet you know what Arnold was wondering on some of your responses...
Joe 65 months ago
Runeshaper 67 months ago
You got 8 out of 10
Happy days for you! Nice job D-tecting all those shows!
bpacha77511 70 months ago
9 outta 10......rawhide got me!!!!!
MrBill 70 months ago
9/10; missed #9 - not much of a fan of any of those shows given as choices and rarely watched them.
MissTheOldDays 70 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
Happy days for you! Nice job D-tecting all those shows! 📺☎️📻
JeffTanner 70 months ago
''You got 10 out of 10'' ----------Happy days for you! Nice job D-tecting all those shows!
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