Can you name the TV Western by a single image from its opening credits?

Put on your ten-gallon thinking hat. This one's tough as rawhide.

Half a century ago, the Western ruled television. There were dozens of dusty oaters on the networks, ranging from action to comedy. Some shows lasted decades, others a few seasons. 

So, how well do you remember these TV adventures? We zoomed in on some freeze frames from the opening credits of 13 classic Westerns. Hop on the saddle and try to lasso the correct answers.

Can you name the TV Western by a single image from its opening credits?

Your Result...

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Snickers 40 months ago
10/13. Never heard of Trackdown.
WandaBaker Snickers 37 months ago
Trackdown was one of my favorites, starring Robert Culp.
Snickers WandaBaker 37 months ago
So what was Trackdown about? Was he a lawman, bounty hunter, or a gun for hire?
WandaBaker Snickers 37 months ago
He was a Texas Ranger. Really good show!
TheFanFromUNCLE 47 months ago
13/13. I had to work for it. A lot of guesses.
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