Can you pick the candy heart sayings we made up from the real ones?

Can you tell the real sweet sayings from the fakes?

 The Everett Collection

Candy hearts. They're awfully divisive, as much as a seasonal-themed candy can be. Some people vocally loathe them, calling them chalky and flavorless. Others love the colorful, saying-branded hearts.

In the 90s, the candy began creeping into the modern era with the new phrase "Fax me". Since then, the hearts have (usually) enjoyed a new round of sayings each year centered around a theme. "Usually" being an important phrase, here — when the original company, Necco, shut down, the sayings from 2010-2019 were lost. However, the new owner, Spangler, continues to update the little hearts.

Here's a few themes from the past few decades. Can you pick out the one we made up?

  1. 2024: Friendship and Appreciation
  2. 2021: Love Songs
  3. 2009: A Menu of Love
  4. 2007: Animal Attraction
  5. 2005: The Game of Love
  6. 2004: Happily Ever After
  7. 2003: Love Lessons
  8. 2002: Fashion Forward
  9. 2001: Limitless Love
  10. 2000: Celebrating the Millennium

Can you pick the candy heart sayings we made up from the real ones?

Your Result...

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JHP 28 days ago
6/10 - for what that was worth - Romantic Me:)
Bapa1 28 days ago
My grandson is in First Grade, and they are handing out cards to all the kids in their class.
JHP Bapa1 28 days ago
still? That is so so so cool
Dfromnj 29 days ago
4/10 not sure what that was about, been many yrs since 5th grade v-day candy
CortneyNicole 29 days ago
6/10 That's a tough quiz, not sure what the messages said on the candy hearts since they sale them every year on Valentine's Day.
tnminnow 29 days ago
Jacki tnminnow 29 days ago
Good score.☺️ I only scored 3/10.🙄 When I was a kid, I used to like them, a little chalky, but not bad. I haven't had them in years. I couldn't find a candy heart emoji; this is the best I could do.💕☺️
JHP Jacki 28 days ago
the hearts were chalky along with Neccos
Jacki JHP 28 days ago
You're right JHP. I forgot about Neccos. Nowadays I prefer chocolate. 🍫 😄
Bapa1 1 month ago
5/10, clueless.
Jacki Bapa1 30 days ago
Me too. What a goofy quiz. 🤪
Bapa1 Jacki 29 days ago
I should take the time to read them before I eat them.
Jacki Bapa1 29 days ago
Lol 😄 Me too. I haven't had those in years.
MaryAnn 1 month ago
0/10, I didn’t care for this one.
Coldnorth MaryAnn 30 days ago
I didn’t take the quiz cuz I know I would have the same score
ElizabethBoop 1 month ago
3 wrong, then 3 right, then 2 more wrong, and the last 2 right. That comes out to 5/10, which is what you'd expect from guessing at random, but the streaks were kind of a surprise.
edcrumpacker 1 month ago
Never did like those candy hearts, it was like eating chalk 🤣😅😂
RobertK 1 month ago
2 of 10. Only a 2 out of 10? Oh sure! Every girls dream to spend Valentines Day with a number 2! Thanks for that flattering profile METV... 🤔😬💔
JHP RobertK 28 days ago
chuckle chuckle - you got me doing it:)
TheJackOfCups 1 month ago
1/10 🏆
A personal best in futility!
Jacki TheJackOfCups 1 month ago
This was a goofy quiz.
Bookman1963 1 month ago
I quit in the middle of the quiz. Not one of your better efforts MEtv.
I agree 100%.
The sayings are barren of any kind of sentiment or human warmth and are at best simple
Who besides children would give these as any sort of present? Not worth a quiz on.
CaptainDunsel 1 month ago
For those who didn't get the mechanism of this quiz, the MeTV staff really used the wrong picture. They were talking about these little critters:

For each question, two of the three "sayings" were introduce in the given year by the manufacturer, and one was made up by the MeTV Staff.
JayBurd CaptainDunsel 1 month ago
Those candies were pretty good and the ones you didn't like made good ammo for your slingshot.
Coldnorth JayBurd 30 days ago
You could sell bunches of those. I would buy one if it came in a set, slingshot and a handful of those fake hearts
CaptainDunsel 1 month ago
Mostly "educated guesses". (Not very WELL educated, but...)
Jacki CaptainDunsel 1 month ago
Where do they come up with these quizzes?🤔
MikefromJersey Jacki 1 month ago
The Island of Misfit Quizzes. Yukon Cornelius brought some back and then got hired
by the MeTV staff.
Jacki MikefromJersey 1 month ago
Love it! 😂😂
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