Can you pick the correct first line for these Leave It to Beaver characters?
In the series premiere, we learn that ''Ham-burglars'' are an essential part of any picnic.
Gee whiz, gee dad, gee mom, gee Beaver!
All great lines repeated again and again on Leave It to Beaver. The child-star sitcom has some of classic TV's most iconic sitcom episodes in its respective lineup, one that all started with "Beaver gets 'Spelled.'"
Viewers can recall just how young Wally and Theodore Beaver Cleaver were in the first episode of the show, and how much they grow up by the series finale.
Leave It to Beaver begins with one of its six opening credits (can you match them to the right season?), followed by the voice of Hugh Beaumont, who played Ward Cleaver, father to the boys.
See if you can match the character to their correct first line on the show. While most of these lines come from "Beaver Gets 'Spelled,'" some come from other season-one episodes.
Gee, good luck on this one!

Watch Leave It to Beaver on MeTV!
Weekdays at 8 & 8:30 AM, Sundays at 1 & 1:30 PM
*available in most MeTV markets-
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Can you pick the correct first line for these Leave It to Beaver characters?
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