Can you tell if your favorite foods are older than your favorite TV shows?

Pop Tarts or The Twilight Zone? Reese's Pieces or Charlie's Angels?


Pop Tarts and Perry Mason — two American classics. Some things will never get old, like Twinkies and Mayberry. 

We have favorite snacks and favorite shows. The challenge today is knowing which came first. So, which is older: the food or the TV series? Good luck!
  1. Which is older: Twinkies or I Love Lucy?
  2. Brrr or Burr? Which is older: Wendy's Frosty or Perry Mason?
  3. Which is older: Lean Cuisine or Matlock?
  4. Okay, how about this Andy classic. Which is older: Peanut M&M's or The Andy Griffith Show?
  5. Which is older: Pop Tarts or The Twilight Zone?
  6. Mmm… comfort food. Which is older: Hamburger Helper or The Love Boat.
  7. Which dates back further: Reese's Pieces or Charlie's Angels?
  8. Which came first: The Big Mac or The Brady Bunch?
  9. Which is older: Wild Cherry Pepsi or ALF?
  10. Which is older: Cool Ranch Doritos or Diff'rent Strokes?
  11. Both are associated with Florida. But which came first: Gatorade or The Golden Girls?
  12. Modern technology is amazing! Which came first: SpaghettiOs

Can you tell if your favorite foods are older than your favorite TV shows?

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Joe 56 months ago
jerseyguy2468 56 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
Suddenly, we're really hungry. For a snack and a sitcom.
TexasGreek 61 months ago
You got 9 out of 12
Suddenly, we're really hungry. For a snack and a sitcom.
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got 9 out of 12
Suddenly, we're really hungry. For a snack and a sitcom.

Who knew?! LOL
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