Mix-Up M*A*S*H-Up: Trapper John or BJ Hunnicutt?

Can you tell these two apart?

 Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Where do you fall as a M*A*S*H viewer? Are you a Trapper John die hard? Or were you more of a BJ fan?

Either way, this quiz is for you. Because even if you strongly prefer one, the process of elimination will help you know when it's the other! 

Good luck, and be sure to share your score and which character you like more in the comments section below!

Watch M*A*S*H on MeTV!

Weeknights at 6 PM, Sundays at 7 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Which character is suddenly discharged and sent home to the United States?
  2. Which one is named after both parents?
  3. Which one is from Boston?
  4. Final appearance: "Abyssinia, Henry"
  5. His wife, Peg, writes him letters while he's in Korea
  6. Is last seen riding a motorcycle away from camp
  7. This character nearly adopts a Korean boy
  8. Which one is transferred due to a terrible case of stomach ulcers

Mix-Up M*A*S*H-Up: Trapper John or BJ Hunnicutt?

Your Result...

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Take another quiz: Blur quiz: Dancing
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CrumblyCrunchies 1 day ago
8/8 Don't watch it much anymore. It's over exposed. I mean I have been "MASHed out" years ago. Yet strangley enough I will watch Andy and Barney every time.
lmahabhashyam 4 days ago
8/8 M*A*S*H quizzes are going to have to get a lot harder to fool us.
WilliamJorns 6 days ago
8 right out of 8! I can easily tell Trapper John from B.J. just from the episode description. Comes from all those years of watching the show, over and over and over again.
PDCougar 8 days ago
#1 could actually be both. BJ was "suddenly discharged" and technically was "sent" to the U.S. (but did not actually end up getting to the U.S. as part of that discharge) during the final episode, due to a mixup. And, on #2 it's unclear if BJ was being factual of just pulling Hawkeye's leg when telling him what "BJ" stands for, since BJ also immediately says his initials mean "whatever you want" after Hawkeye says he doesn't buy BJ's first explanation.
Zip 8 days ago
Forgot which one was from Boston. I only know that Charles was.
frenchman71 9 days ago
8/8. Trapper, along with Frank Burns, are my favorite MASH characters. BJ was OK the first few seasons he was there but then the show and BJ went downhill. When BJ grew his moustache that's when MASH went bad.
ClassicTVRocks 9 days ago
8/8 I Love Mash, Especially the Earlier Shows when it first aired.
When it was a comedy.
Before Alan Alda took over and started shoving His Views on Everything... He went from Very Funny to Very Serious.
ASperos 9 days ago
Trapper John was funnier. Don’t care for BJ.
Lillyrose 9 days ago
8 out of 8. Trapper John and BJ are both great characters, but I like Trapper John the best. The first 3 seasons of MASH were the funniest, hands down.
Adamtwelvia Lillyrose 9 days ago
How did ya feel about the spin-off?
Suzies1952 Adamtwelvia 9 days ago
I never saw it, never knew there was one?, don’t know what I was doing?, that didn’t know about it?
Adamtwelvia Suzies1952 9 days ago
Never heard of "Trapper John, MD?"
Suzies1952 Adamtwelvia 9 days ago
No i haven’t heard of it!
frenchman71 Lillyrose 9 days ago
Totally agree!
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