National Parks Quiz: Match each park to its home state!

Where can you find these majestic locations?


It's time to revel in the great outdoors in America's beautiful National Parks!

Soak up some sunshine and breathe some fresh air as we recall some of the most spectacular spaces our country has to offer. So buckle up for a road trip as we ask you which states each park belongs in.

Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share a memory in the comments section below!

  1. Acadia: Which state is it in?
  2. Glacier
  3. Mesa Verde
  4. Redwood
  5. Everglades
  6. Bryce Canyon
  7. Cuyahoga Valley
  8. Theodore Roosevelt
  9. Great Basin
  10. Carlsbad Caverns

National Parks Quiz: Match each park to its home state!

Your Result...

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Take another quiz: Which Bugs Bunny are you today?
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JHP 7 months ago

"like shooting fish in a barrel" :)

sjbang88 7 months ago
6/10 I could have sworn Carlsbad was in Mo. Oh well
tbrian 7 months ago
You got 9 out of 10. Guessed on two I've never heard of.
bukhrn 7 months ago
9/10, Missed 1 of only two on the list that we haven't been to.
Jarrettb 7 months ago
2 times and a perfect 10😭🤣🤣
gockionni 7 months ago
8/10, and yes, I am a nature natural! There are three National Parks in the state where I live and yet not ONE of them was mentioned. Hmph!
JHP gockionni 7 months ago
maybe Oregon?

or Tenn?
gockionni JHP 7 months ago
Close, I’m in the PNW
JHP gockionni 7 months ago
been to that side of the country a few times

lemme see - rain and green and wonderful piney air:) (except for eastern washington)

I hiked Multnomah falls along the Columbia river
gockionni JHP 7 months ago
Yes, usually lots of rain and pretty green for the most part however pines are not indigenous to my location, unfortunately, cuz I would love that smell to hit me first thing in the morning. I LOVE rain but lately we’ve been having a “heat wave” of 80° plus - now some would say that’s not too hot but it is for me. I grew up in the Phoenix metro area and although that area is genuinely hot, I’ve lived here long enough to become acclimated and just can’t take the heat anymore. Both eastern WA and OR are more desert-like (and loaded with pines), they experience less rainfall and higher temperatures, and both are best visited by me in the spring or fall lol. Multnohma Falls is a place I’ve driven past a few times and should’ve stopped to see but haven’t - bet you had a good time!
CortneyNicole 7 months ago
7/10 Not so good with all the National Park names in states but I took a wild guess.
Dajj 7 months ago
8/10, hey, I’m a nature natural!!
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