What is the spookiest movie of the '60s?
A great decade for horror!

Nothing is scarier than the stuff we saw young.
While it might not be your decade, we can all agree that the '60s packed some seriously spooky stuff! While we all might have our favorites, we hope you can pick one that stands out as THE scariest!
Or, maybe the one that scares you the most isn't listed! If that's the case, just select "other," and let us know what it is in the comments section below!

What's the decade's spookiest movie?

What is the spookiest movie of the '60s?
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I knew #1 would be Psycho. The Innocents got 0 maybe because it's English and not many people are familiar with it BUT, imo, it IS really good.
NIght of the living dead.....by far
0% similar ("I Got A Rock")… I chose 13 Ghosts. That movie really creeped me out when I was a kid! Also, I really don't like gory or slasher films. I know Psycho is a classic Hitchcock film, but I'd rather be spooked than traumatized, so I voted for the ghosts.👻👍🏼
Rosemary's Baby is for me. Seems a prelude to the status quo...
100%. Very good list. So many truly scary movies.
Carnival of Souls, Night Of the Living Dead, The Birds, Village of the Damned.
Carnival of Souls, Night Of the Living Dead, The Birds, Village of the Damned.
I went with Psycho but Carnival of Souls is a great film that I recommend. It's a small movie that was made on a tiny budget but is great fun.
17% I guess the shock of psycho has worn off so I picked NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD.
Lots of good choices to choose from.
Lots of good choices to choose from.
20%.. The Haunting. That movie stuck with me..every time I heard a bump in the night, a creek in the floor, branches against the windows, hiss of the radiator, etc..ghosts? 👻🎃😳. And my meme, whom I spent a lot time with, lived in an apartment of an old Victorian mansion