Which amusement park ride is your favorite?
You've bought the ticket, now take the ride!

The Everett Collection
Ah, a day in the park. What could be better?
The sun's shining. The smell of hotdogs wafts through the air. The screams of thrilled amusement-seekers blend with calliope music for the perfect soundtrack.
Cotton candy, popcorn, and funnel cake! But that's just the food. We're here to talk about the rides! Which is your favorite? We'll list a few, but if we missed your choice, please include it in a comment below!
Which ride type is your favorite?

Which amusement park ride is your favorite?
Your Result...
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0% - go karts!! And the only choice I would still partake in today, mainly cuz everything else makes me queasy just to look at them in action.
0% Not what I'd call a ride per se, but I love riding steam trains. Rode a mono-rail once as a kid. I do like a good haunted house ride.
First I thought Bumper Cars, but then I realized that as much anticipation I had for them, I always walked away a bit disappointed, especially when they started telling us not to ram the other cars. Tilt-A-Whirl was the most consistent, but right after lunch, they were a very bad idea. Roller Coasters are always a highlight, but the long lines can make it seem not worth the trouble. I think my all-time favorite ride is the Great Movie Ride at MGM
picked go karts just to see and got 0% similar! they are a blast on either slick track or the old ones on a road course but they are a thing of the past
I picked bumper cars at 12%. Got 70% similar. Reminds me of a story from my youth: at an amusement park in line for the bumper cars. There were six of them; five had bumpers that looked like peppermint candy. The remaining one had horizontal stripes around it that gave it a more sleek look. Another boy and I were at the front of the line and we both claimed the horizontal striped car.
“That’s MY car!” the other boy said.
“Uh-uh, that’s MINE!” I responded. When the park worker opened the chain to let the people in, the boy ran across the ride area while I was merely walking fast. The boy did get to the horizontal car first, but the worker called him back for running.
“Get back to the end of the line.”
I was able to claim the sleek car because I played it cool.
“That’s MY car!” the other boy said.
“Uh-uh, that’s MINE!” I responded. When the park worker opened the chain to let the people in, the boy ran across the ride area while I was merely walking fast. The boy did get to the horizontal car first, but the worker called him back for running.
“Get back to the end of the line.”
I was able to claim the sleek car because I played it cool.
I love the Vomit Comet! Especially after I’ve had 3 chili cheese dogs, onion rings and a cherry slush! 🤢🤮🤢🤮
No question it’s the Scrambler
100% similar. Nothing beats a good roller coaster. The one at Coney Island is one of the best because it's made of wood and it has so much history. Now the cruise ships have them which is crazy. That sling shot ride at the top of the Stratosphere hotel in Las Vegas is pretty cool. Better than drugs. Nothing like looking down at the city after they shoot you up and all the buildings look like miniatures. Your hands can get a little sweaty but what a high!
We had one "back in the day" at Dandelion Park SW of Milwaukee Wis ,,rough ride ; but when you a kid it's all cool
The Statosphere is close to 2000 ft high and the sling shot shoots you up another 100 or so feet high. You feel like you up in the air, no airplane or parachute with you. I think even if you're an adult it's pretty cool :)
agreed and I rode that coaster 2x a few years back. I don't mind heights or corkscrew coasters at all. Going round and round is waay different.