Which amusement park ride is your favorite?
You've bought the ticket, now take the ride!

Ah, a day in the park. What could be better?
The sun's shining. The smell of hotdogs wafts through the air. The screams of thrilled amusement-seekers blend with calliope music for the perfect soundtrack.
Cotton candy, popcorn, and funnel cake! But that's just the food. We're here to talk about the rides! Which is your favorite? We'll list a few, but if we missed your choice, please include it in a comment below!
Which ride type is your favorite?

Which amusement park ride is your favorite?
Your Result...
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“That’s MY car!” the other boy said.
“Uh-uh, that’s MINE!” I responded. When the park worker opened the chain to let the people in, the boy ran across the ride area while I was merely walking fast. The boy did get to the horizontal car first, but the worker called him back for running.
“Get back to the end of the line.”
I was able to claim the sleek car because I played it cool.