Who did it better: Gunsmoke or The Rifleman?

Both classic Westerns had outlaw doppelgangers, vengeful widows and amnesia episodes. Pick which show you like more!

 CBS Television Distribution/Peter Rodgers Organization

In terms of sheer longevity, no other Western can compete with Gunsmoke. It was one of the first cowboy shows on TV in the Fifties and was still airing episodes two decades later. 

But The Rifleman ran for five successful seasons and has remained popular to this day. The father-son relationship at the show’s core differentiates it from most other Westerns. Add an iconic, towering hero and plenty of action-packed storylines and you’ve got yourself a fantastic series.

Both Gunsmoke and The Rifleman have devoted fans, many of whom like both shows. We certainly do. But if you had to choose between the two, which would you go with?

We’ve put together similar episodes and characters from both classics. Pick which one you like best and see how popular your choices are!


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Monday - Saturday at 1 PM & 1:30 PM

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  1. Both Lucas and Matt suffered temporary amnesia. Which episode do you like more?
     CBS Television Distribution/Peter Rodgers Organization
  2. Both also lost their eyesight, or at least most of it. Which show did it better?
     CBS Television Distribution/Peter Rodgers Organization
  3. Which show had a better mustachioed outlaw doppelgänger?
     CBS Television Distribution/Peter Rodgers Organization
  4. Which show had a better vengeful widow?
     CBS Television Distribution/Peter Rodgers Organization
  5. Which show had a better sassy lady?
     CBS Television Distribution/Peter Rodgers Organization
  6. Typhoid fever came to both shows. Which episode do you like more?
     CBS Television Distribution/Peter Rodgers Organization
  7. North Fork's photographer was friendly while Dodge City's was the opposite. Which episode is better?
     CBS Television Distribution/Peter Rodgers Organization
  8. A retired gunman wanted to settle down to a quiet life in both shows. Which episode do you like more?
     CBS Television Distribution/Peter Rodgers Organization
  9. Both shows feature a stubborn patriarch who keeps a boy from going to school. Which episode do you like the best?
     CBS Television Distribution/Peter Rodgers Organization

Who did it better: Gunsmoke or The Rifleman?

Your Result...

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Charleshorse 2 months ago
Gunsmoke had some darn good episodes the last few seasons. My fave was the one where Matt goes to Mexico to arrest some outlaw and become a father figure to a young boy. The kid was a very good actor, Manuel Padilla I believe
Blcakandwhitetvfan 6 months ago
88% similar to most popular answers. I need to rethink my position. I am never in the majority. By design.
CrumblyCrunchies 7 months ago
Tried to finish this quiz. But then I realized...I don't really care.😜
darleneis 35 months ago
I so love this app. Thank you! It is so refreshing to escape this chaotic world awhile with MEtv.
leebillyold 36 months ago
[image=https://weigel-comments.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/LO57f-1647613560-FLAG EAGLE.jpg][image=https://weigel-comments.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/30V4L-1647613590-275430092_517900223348577_5683918471131011914_n.jpg]
Steffi 37 months ago
I love the Rifleman more than Gunsmoke. I so loved the relationship between father and son. Always teaching him right from wrong♥️
SalIanni 37 months ago
I like "Bonanza" better than both series!
OldHollywood 37 months ago
I'm glad for reruns of great tv classics!
Robertp 37 months ago
77%. I really enjoy both shows but I Love Gunsmoke.
Charleshorse Robertp 2 months ago
I love the relationship between Fetus and Doc, hilarious.
ElvaMae 37 months ago
I don't remember Festus having a doppelganger but I do remember the Rifleman's. I need to find the one for Festus.
Arnold_Ziffel4_life 37 months ago
55% similar, I just love both shows, thank you MeTV!
Arnold I love your sunglasses. You look so dapper
eyegor 37 months ago
55% similar. Both shows are great!
PulsarStargrave 37 months ago
I wonder how many Gunsmoke writers also wrote for The Rifleman?
LoveMETV22 PulsarStargrave 37 months ago
" I wonder how many Gunsmoke writers also wrote for The Rifleman?"
You can find that info on IMDB, Full cast credits for both shows
Gunsmoke :
The Rifleman:
327053 37 months ago
55% ☹️
Coldnorth 327053 24 months ago
You gotta turn that frown upside down. Lol
AllisonWunderland 37 months ago
77% …at least those are two good numbers 💁‍♀️😉
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