Bob Denver revealed that the original plan was to have ''Gilligan's Island'' make sense

The original Gilligan's Island was a smidge more practical.

When The Professor made a working lie detector on season three of Gilligan's Island, we surrendered ourselves to the absurdity of the show. After all, the absurdity is kind of what makes Gilligan's Island a great show. Where would we be without the silly inventions, the dream sequences, the variety of visitors who are somehow able to leave while the castaways aren't? It gives the show its charm, and while we know that none of our core group will ever actually make it off of the island, that doesn't stop us from tuning in for more episodes.

In an interview with the Southern Illinoisan, Bob Denver explained that the original plan for Gilligan's Island was to provide viewers with a bit more logic to actually attempt to explain all of the strange things going on, on the island. 

He said, "Somewhere in the first year we were going to have a freighter sink off the island so we could go down and get all the stuff we needed and not make it up out of thin air."  

Instead, Denver said that the creators actually found it more entertaining to lean into the ridiculousness of the series and not offer up any sort of explanation at all. The actor said, "We all looked at each other and went, 'Nah, let 'em wonder!' It goes into fantasy at that point. You either buy it or you don't. No one ever asks how it was that I could fly until the Skipper pointed out that I couldn't."

Denver seemed to be aware that this was the core of what made Gilligan's Island so special, as while the audience might have been confused at times, they were still entertained.

Denver said, "We did 98 shows and they were all different. It was never boring. Even the crew had a good time. After the first month, they all said they were going to stay with the show. I asked one of them why and he said, 'Because when I go home at night I have something to tell my kids. Hey, we flew Gilligan into a wall today!" 

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WilliamJorns 13 months ago
Yes, it's a silly escapist fantasy, but it's a fun silly escapist fantasy. I still enjoy watching "Gilligan's Island" reruns today whenever I can. The characters are all so likable, you can't help but watch it!
RS1515 13 months ago
One of the best silly and ridiculous tv show in history.
sagafrat69 13 months ago
One of the greatest t.v. shows of all time because it is so unique. Doesn't matter T.L and B.D hated each other.A cartoon come to life. Not easy to do. For those watching "Feud", we can thank Babe Paley for not getting a fourth season of "Gilligan's Island". "Gunsmoke" was her favorite show . Her husband had one slot available on the '64/'65 schedule and "Gilligan" got axed. Not cool.
Nibor 13 months ago
"Lost" tried to be a more sophisticated, possibly plausible "desert isle" show, although that series began having more "absurd" circumstances and continuity issues by the end.
Lisa24 13 months ago
Love Gilligan's Island! It will never be matched.
WordsmithWorks 13 months ago
Gilligan's Island was more like a live-action version of a cartoon in which anything is possible. Except getting off the island.
MsRockford74 13 months ago
I loved this show as a child:) As an adult, the one where they make the movie just cracks me up:) Yes, I know that whole episode is absurd and I don't care:)
justjeff 13 months ago
I preder the absurdity of Green Acres to the absurdity of Gilligan's Island...
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justjeff Coldnorth 13 months ago
Pretty farm girl - any day of the week... in fact, I wish I could meet one right now, but there's no "pretty farm girls" that I know of in South Florida, and if there are - the ones down here would not likely want to out with a 'old geezer' like me who isn't loaded with money, is mostly a homebody and loves old music, movies and TV shows...
Coldnorth justjeff 13 months ago
Maybe your inbox will be brimming to the top now with potential pretty farm girls. My fingers and toes are crossed for you
justjeff Coldnorth 13 months ago
Thanks, but you'd have a better chance of picking this week's winning Poweball numbers, or buying the Brooklyn Bridge on a half price sale than I would at meeting one of those "pretty farm girls" - especially here in South Florida... Reality and gravity sucks!...
Coldnorth justjeff 13 months ago
Ain’t that the truth
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