Natalie Schafer didn't care about being rich
Apparently, money isn't everything.

We've all thought about how we'd spend our money if we suddenly struck it rich. We're not talking about regular, run-of-the-mill rich; we're talking about absurdly wealthy, the sort of rich where you can buy multiple mansions. This is the kind of wealth that Mr. and Mrs. Howell of Gilligan's Island had before they were swept off with the rest of the castaways. You would think with all that money, they could have afforded a more expensive tour!
But while the Howells were content with their riches, the actors who portrayed them were less focused on wealth, specifically Natalie Schafer, known for playing Lovey Howell. This might strike some as odd, considering Schafer had a rich history of playing aristocratic characters.
"I've always played rich women," said Schafer during an interview with The Standard-Star. "For some reason, I look wealthy and I talk like a rich woman. It's insidious, a luxury, and a dream."
Schafer didn't have quite as fanciful a perspective as Lovey Howell did. "Playing rich is supposed to make you feel very gay," she said. "However, I'm not at all that way. Money doesn't mean fun."
If Schafer were afforded such wealth, she revealed that she'd share her good fortune with others, something that would have scandalized Mrs. Howell.
"I would do things for other people," she said. "To me, that's fun."
Schafer was also set apart from the socialite she played by preferring her own company. Instead of living it up with her fellow Hollywood elites, Schafer actually preferred to spend time by herself. "Solitude is refreshing," she said. "I'm very lazy about keeping up contacts. I hate exercise, but love massages and swimming and the sun."
Look, there's no rule that says that an actor must be exactly like the character they play, and it's a welcome breath of fresh air to learn that Schafer was more interested in sharing the wealth instead of hoarding it. Is it too much to ask that she share a bit of wealth with us?