
A Chest, a Head- is This an Anatomy Lesson?! No, it’s "The Thing That Couldn't Die"- Tonight!

Tonight on MeTV, our “Svengoolie’s Halloween BOO-nanza” doubles down on first encounters of the weird kind- with the showing- at last!- of the made-for-TV movie that introduced us to the beloved- and somewhat disheveled- reporter Carl Kolchak, who can’t avoid the supernatural- and the atomic-spawned kaiju that began a film legacy- it’s “The Night Stalker” followed by “Godzilla, King of the Monsters”!

The very first Kolchak story- which viewers have been asking to see for a long time- has the reporter covering the news in Las Vegas- when some mysterious deaths occur- in which the young female victims have been drained of their blood! Kolchak, called back from a vacation by irascib...

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