
Vincent Price and Peter Lorre Put the 'Fun' in 'Funerals'- When an Uncooperative Customer Creates a "Comedy of Terrors"- Tonight!

Okay- if you read yesterday’s blog, get your answers ready- and see how much Sven history you know! (If you haven’t read it- go back and read it- come up with answers- and then return to THIS blog!) Here we go: 1. Sven fashion question- before I wore the current stylish tuxedo shirt- I wore that delightful overly-warm turtleneck sweater. Back before that, as “Son of Svengoolie”, I wore one of the official red “Son of Svengoolie” t-shirts- BUT- before that- what did I wear, in the shirt department? ANSWER: I would actually wear different shirts every week- mostly t-shirts with different pictures on the front. Yeah, I know- a real fashion statement. 2. Our show is now seen all over...

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Posted on July 29, 2012

Posted on July 28, 2012

Posted on July 27, 2012

Posted on July 26, 2012

Posted on July 25, 2012

Posted on July 24, 2012

Posted on July 23, 2012

Posted on July 22, 2012