Answer these questions, and we'll guess your favorite Christmas cookie
It's time for another sweet treat quiz!

Cookies are an essential part of Christmas. As we all know, you're supposed to leave some for Santa and a glass of milk when he drops off gifts at your home. It's also common to decorate gingerbread cookies during this holiday.
We've asked you to pick a classic Western series character, and we'll suggest a pie you should bake, and now we're back with another sweet treat quiz. There are hundreds of cookie flavors, so we're focusing on just holiday cookies for this quiz.
Answer these questions, and we'll guess your favorite Christmas cookie.
Which Christmas present do you open first?
Which film would you watch on Christmas day?
How often do you bake cookies?
What type of cookies do you prefer?
How many ugly Christmas sweaters do you own?
Do you follow holiday traditions? (ex. Decorating a Christmas tree, being the holiday host)
Are you cooking a holiday feast on Christmas?
Do you eat the candy canes on your Christmas tree?
What meat did you grow up eating for Christmas dinner?
Did you grow up with a cookie jar in your home?

Answer these questions, and we'll guess your favorite Christmas cookie
Your Result...
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I Love Lucy - Wreath

A Christmas Story - Fudge

Christmas Story - Fragile

I Love Lucy - Wreath

They got it right. Frosted Sufar Cookies. I especially live the ones they sell with the frosting and the cake like cookie. But regular ones, I like crunchy Sugar Cookies.
Gingerbread? Yeah, they're OK. But what I really love are chocolate rum balls with real rum. I bet those aren't on MeTV's choice list.
Frosted sugar cookies? I hate frosted sugar cookies. I hate the crunchyness and I hate the extra sugar on an already sweet cookie. They look nice though.
You love Frosted Sugar Cookies
Sugar cookies decorated with frosting will always be your favorite holiday treat.
I honestly don’t think there is a cookie I won’t eat lol 😆
Sugar cookies decorated with frosting will always be your favorite holiday treat.
I honestly don’t think there is a cookie I won’t eat lol 😆